I ran downstairs as fact as I could and ran into my mom making out with her boyfriend who's name I figured out is Blake and I screamed "ew!!" and she turned around fast and said "what?!" I said "where's my dog?" She said "your mutt is out in the backyard brat!"
I ran outside and ended up tripping cause I'm clumsy as heck! And Abby comes running over to me and starts licking my face I push her away just to get back up and hug her to me. I told her to never leave me again and that I love her and stuff like that because I'm just that awesome of a dog owner.
I took Abby upstairs and then called my friends over Kyle and dawn came running in because I may or may not have yelled at them through the phone saying "get here asap!!" They both glared at me looked at each other then they both started coming at me they knew my weakness being tickled they ran to me jumped on my bed and started tickling me.
I kicked and clawed and yelled but they wouldn't get off so I just continued laughing until FINALLY!! They stopped I glared at them and told them I would get them back for this they grinned and hugged me saying "ya right you love us" I turned around and walked away ignoring them I walked into the kitchen turned around gave them a blank look and said "you can leave now" then they hugged me and said "sorry" I said "it's ok but next time don't do it or I'll hunt you down and hurt you!"
Hey guys what's up sorry I haven't updated in like FOREVER!!! But I've been stressed out and also lazy but can u blame me I'm human just like u unless ur a crazy robot are something btw if u r what r puppies to u like clowns? Seriously like what u think anyway as I said before I see u guys r reading this I hope this is good but I want to know what u think 2. Also if u r gonna say something don't be rude don't try to be like oh u should put a comma there r something like that I ain't perfect and most of the time this stuff just comes to me and I gotta write it down quick don't judge in not the best or worst neither r u so just don't judge.
Abby: human owner I love u
Sophie: what the heck I love u 2 but wow how can u talk
Abby: well someone is writing ur life out and they made it so I can talk 2 u
Sophie:*hides under bed* in scared!!
Abby: don't be she loves u and me
Sophie : so we should be happy?
Abby: know u get it stupid human
Sophie: hey!!!U like?

Her new life
AcakSophie coal was a regular ordinary girl until one day everything changes and she begins to wonder what life really means and if it's all worth it. Read it to find out! Paige Jones was here!lol ILYSM