Chapter 6

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TW sickness hospital all of that


Time skip a hour and a half before 5:30/////////////////

Today went quite slow I worked on school a bit ,watched some YouTube videos , and I listened to music.
I checked the time on my phone,
4:00 pm I should see what I want to wear,
I went through the small closet I had on the hospital room and picked some clothes out and I decided why not , and applied some makeup.
(I'm not putting pictures or anything, everyone has different styles , so pick something you like <3 )
I finished getting ready at about 5 and decided to wait on the waiting area and texted Tommy that I was ready and he said he was on his way, I was a bit nervous but I'm not sure why, I received a text from Tommy saying he was outside the hospital in a white car.

I went outside and saw the car , I approached the car and saw Tommy getting out of the drivers seat quickly and opening the door for me.
"Thank you" I said smiling, not a lot of people do that I thought,
"Your welcome my lady" he answered on a kind of funny tone , I laughed, I hope he didn't see I was kind of pink.
The drive to the mall , went quite quick with Tommy putting music and making small talk we eventually got there, and Tommy parked the car, I was quite impressed with his driving abilities so I said , "Tommy you are a really good driver" , then he responded "I know " and smiled widely.
"You have quite a big ego eh", I said with a teasing tone.
"Oh shut it" he replied,
He went out the car super fast and opened the door for me again.
"What a gentleman Mr. Tommy" I said
"Always" he replied,
I just smiled hoping he didn't see my blush, I decide to see his face to realize he was quite red, I just smiled knowing.


The car ride went quite well I tried to be as calm and acted like a gentleman and it really worked , considering that y/n was blushing like crazy, she looked cute when she blushed.

We started walking to the mall doors, there is a small cafe in the mall that I wanted to go with y/n , that's why I choose going to the mall.
"Hey, there is this really nice cafe inside the mall, you want to go there ? ",I asked
"Yeah sure that sounds great!" ,She replied happily.

We started making our way to the cafe and when we arrived we sat down on a small table with two chairs that was pressed down against a window with a nice view.

"What do you want to order?" I asked
"Probably a tea " she replied
"Okay that sounds good , don't you want to eat anything ? " ,I asked her , she didn't look hungry so maybe not,
"I'm not that hungry, but maybe can we buy something and share it ?" ,She said
"Of course, what are you thinking about? " ,I asked
"A cheesecake " ,she replied with a smile,
"Oh yeah that sounds good , let me call a waitress so she can take our order" ,I said ,
"Wait" ,she said quickly
"What's wrong" ,I said in a worried tone
"Can you um maybe order what I want, I get quite shy and mess up when ordering stuff", she replied in a almost whispering tone because she was ashamed of it,
"Of course darling don't worry about it " ,I replied
Wait, did I just called her that oh god im so screwed why did I say that , I was overthinking when I hear y/n say , "I like that nickname " ,she said quite timidly while blushing, oh thank goodness I didn't mess up I thought.
"Well , I'll call you more like that , let me order ," I said.
We ordered the food and it came 10 minutes later ,
We started eating the cheesecake, and when we were half finished I looked at y/n she had a little bit of wiped cream on her cheek of the cheesecake.

"Y/n, don't move", I said while smiling so she didn't think it was something bad.
"Okay..." she responded
I grabbed a napkin and move my hand to her cheek and wiped the wiped cream.
"You had wiped cream on your cheek", I explained
"Oh , thank you!" She replied and I saw her blushing.
I smiled knowing that she might like me.


Everything was going amazing, I was feeling super happy and he made things that made me blush.Tommy called me darling which got me all bubbly.
We finished eating, and the waitress came to the table with the bill, I was about to take my wallet out , when I heard Tommy say,
"I will pay, don't worry about it " ,he said
"No no no no I can pay", I said but it was too late he had already paid.
"Oh my, thanks Tommy", I said while smiling.
We went out of the cafe and decided to walk around a bit, while making small conversation.
"Soooo" , I said.
I wanted to ask Tommy is this was a date, because in my eyes it looked like it.
"Yes?" ,He said while looking at me,
I got the courage to ask him.
"Is this a date ?" I asked I knew my voice sounded quite timid but asking was already a big move.
"Yeah I think so ", he said smiling, I smiled back at him, I turned my head a bit and saw a store with a beautiful heart locket.
"It's so pretty" , I said,
"What?", Tommy asked me with a curious face,
"That locket" , I said pointing at the locket in the window of the store.
"We can go in if you want" ,he told me,
" maybe other day", I told him getting quite tired already , I checked the time 6:20,
"I think, I must be back to the hospital it's already been an hour, I'm sorry that the date was quite
Short", I said feeling quite guilty,
"Hey, don't worry about, I totally forgot, yeah we can get going now", Tommy said,
"Yeah I have to go and I have been without oxygen too long I do have to go " ,I say a bit worried.
"It's alright , let's get going" ,Tommy said,
We started going to the car and he opened almost all the doors, he is so nice.
The car ride was quite nice, I connected my cellphone to his Bluetooth and started playing some chill music.
We arrived to the hospital, and I decide to give Tommy a kiss on the check I didn't want to overthink it so instead thinking before acting , I decided to not think at all.
"Tommy, Don't move" , I said while smiling, knowing that I told him the same thing he told me, he didn't move at all I got closer to his face, and gave him the kiss.
He was red like a fricking tomatoe which made me laugh a bit, I knew I was algo a bit pink myself though.
The golden light of the afternoon was beautiful, and it made Tommy look more pretty.


Everything went well, she even asked if this was a date which I decide to be honest and tell her it was,
We decide to leave because it had already been an hour and y/n, had to get to the hospital.
We arrived to the hospital and when she saw we arrived she said "Tommy, don't move" ,while smiling, I chuckled inside knowing, I said that to her,
She got closer to my head and gave me a kiss in the cheek.
I felt my stomach flip, and my cheeks burning, what this girl does to me I thought to myself.
The afternoon golden light was beautiful it made y/n look so pretty, like sunshine, I could see the pink on her cheeks , even though probably I was super red , but it didn't matter at the moment , we just looked at each other and smiled to each other. Until she said something,
"Thank you for today Tommy ", she said
"Your welcome, but I think I have to thank you actually " , I said , she just giggled.
"I'm going to go now Tommy", she told me,
"Yeah, goodbye , I'll text you so maybe we can have a second date ? ", I asked , a bit nervous about what she was going to answer.
"Of course Tommy, goodbye!" She said leaving the car.
I drove back home with a smile on my face the whole way.
I have to tell Will and Toby about this I thought
It was a good day,

Hi sorry I didn't update in a little bit , I recently got covid and I haven't been feeling 100 percent well thank you for the support on the story <3

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