Chapter 5

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TW sickness, hospital , smoking , death


The visit went quite well , a lot of kids recognized me it was cool to know I had an impact their lives.
I arrived home and started editing the video I was trying really hard to focus , but one thing was in my mind , one person especially , y/n , so I decided to text her and ask her if she maybe wanted to talk. Surprisingly, she said yes.


Tom incoming call...

I answered

"Hi", I said a bit low at first
"Hello , how are you?" He said in a little bit of a worried tone, I guess because I spoke a bit low he thought there was something wrong.
"I'm fine , sorry I sounded a bit sad I'm not used no talking to anyone on the phone.", I said being honest I have like 4 contacts and I never talk to anyone on my phone other than my dad that's why I don't use it that much.
"Oh okay I was worried for a sec there" he said sounding relieved
"So I know I said my name is Tom but I like being called Tommy by my friends and family you can call me that" he said
" okay Tommy !" I said cheerfully with the new found nickname
"So Tommy, what do you do for fun or for work?",I asked


I was talking with y/n everything was going well until she asked
"So Tommy, what do you do for fun or for work? ",
She asked
I panicked what was I going to tell her yeah I have 10 million followers on YouTube, I stream Minecraft on Twitch, oh and for fun also Minecraft
So I had to lie
"I'm still at college so I'm not working at the moment, and I like to play Minecraft, do you happen to watch twitch or any streamers ? I asked trying to not sound suspicious
"No actually, I like playing Minecraft since I was a child , but I don't really have social media , I think it's kind of toxic, people would make fun of me for it , but if I do have YouTube." She said
I was quite surprised not a lot of teens can live without social media it was quite interesting to see someone who isn't in need of it.
"So you don't use your phone lots I guess"
I said trying not to sound offensive
"Not really , but I'm fine with it really!",she said it a positive and really happy voice.
"Hey , I wanted to ask you something " I said
"Yeah ask " she replied , with a curious tone.
"How did you get chronic bronchitis?, I'm so sorry if I'm being impolite or something I just really care and want to know" I said
"Well, where do I start" she said
And she told me everything, how her mom smoked since she was a baby , how she got wrongly diagnosed, how her mom died , I couldn't believe all the pain she had gone through.
"I'm so sorry " it's the only thing I could say
"Is alright don't be , it's not your fault, I'm now comfortable telling people this story even if it makes me sad " she said in such a sweet comforting tone.
"I'm so glad you are doing better " I said

"Well yeah, I'm a bit tired Tommy " she said while yawning
"It's okay, I'll text you tomorrow see you later "
I said
"Good night Tommy" she said in that beautiful voice I loved
"Good night y/n" I said and she hung up
She was amazing, so strong , so beautiful, I didn't realized till now but a tear fell down while she told me everything I was quite happy she was doing great I like her a lot , wait I like her a lot , I like y/n I really do, since I first saw her , but isn't it a bit early , maybe it's just a crush

The conversation went well he got nervous when I asked about what he did for fun , or his job , and also when I talked about social media, I don't have a clue now well I guess that's something for other time.
He asked about why I had chronic bronchitis I was sincere and I felt happy he understood.
I was extremely tired , but I couldn't help but notice  how happy I felt , I felt weird and excited he is so cute , wait , did I said Tommy is cute , yeah I said it , it's true but , does this mean maybe I'm starting to like him.
I've never been so confused about anything, thank goodness I'm tired , because if not,  I would probably over think the whole thing.
I change into my pajamas and go to sleep.

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