Chapter 7

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TW hospital and all that stuff


My "date " with Tommy was amazing I entered the hospital and immediately went to my room.
A nurse helped me put my oxygen again and I was just smiling like a dork.
I was thinking of everything that happened when I got a text from the one and only Tommy.

Tommy :)
Hey, next week do you want to go to a park ? :)

Yes, that would be nice ! What park ?

Tommy :)
One near my house, we can go there and then to my house to eat something, my mom wants to meet you

Wait did he say his mom wants to meet me, did he told his mom about, my goodness

Y/n <3
That would be lovely :) see you then

Tommy :)
See you <3


I finished texting Tommy and smiled more, I couldn't believe it.
I think I might had to bring my oxygen with me because it was going to be more time then a hour, but I didn't really care , he will understand.
I went to the bathroom in my room and did everything I had to do to go to bed.
Changed into my pajamas and eventually decided to watch YouTube, I was half a video when I heard a know on my door, I opened the door seeing the nurse with a cart with food and medicine.
First I took the medicine and I left the food on my desk I was finishing my medicine when the nurse said, "you look happy today" ,she said while smiling,
I smiled back ," yeah, I meet up with a friend today " ,I responded,
"That's lovely dear , ask if you need anything else " , she said,
"Of course good night "
"Good night "

It wasn't that late when I finished eating it was about 9:40 but I decided to sleep, I needed energy tomorrow for school, I feel sleep thinking of the date I had with Tommy.


I arrived home, greeted by my mom,
"Hey Tom, how did the date went?" ,She asked,
"It was actually good mum" ,I responded,
"I knew it !", my mom exclaimed,
"It was a date !",
Oh god I thought, I didn't tell her it was a date, I didn't know myself until y/n mentioned, yeah I liked her , but I didn't know she liked me, now is obvious right ?,
"You caught me mum" , I said while laughing,
"Actually" ,I said before she can say anything else,
"I'm going to ask her if she wants to go, to the park near the house next week" , I told her,
"I can make lunch for you too and you can eat here, also I really want to meet her" ,my mom said in a kind of excited tone,
"Alright mum just don't embarrass me ", I told her,
"No promises ", she said
"Oh god", I muttered
"I'm texting her right now " ,I told my mum while sitting in the stool of our counter,
"What did she say ?" ,She asked me,
"She said and I quote, I said while laughing a bit
"That would be lovely, see you then " with a smiley face, I also told her you wanted to meet her " I answered my mom ,
"Tommy know she is going to think , that I need to know every girl my son dates" ,she said
"It's fine mom , y/n is really nice don't worry about it" ,I told her,
"Im going to talk to Wilbur mum" ,I said while getting up the stairs,
"Okay " ,she said , I heard her call my dad and say
"Tommy went on a date with a girl" ,I just chuckled and screamed,
"I heard that mum" , and went to my setup.

I instantly called Will
"WILBUR BIG MAN HI", I said really loudly when he picked up,
"Oh my god, Tommy one of this days you will kill my eardrums " ,he told me ,
"Shut it " ,I said,
"What do you want Tommy ?" ,Will asked
"I need help", I replied honestly,
"With what " ,he said,

I told him everything about my date with y/n.
How I wiped the wiped cream out of her face , and everything including the kiss on the cheek.
When I finished Will just laughed and said,
"We need more help",
I heard two beeps that someone entered the call, I saw who it was.
Tubbo and Phil, of course,
"Hey guys, what's up " ,tubbo said,
"Tommy has a girlfriend " ,Will said,
"What", I heard Phil and Tubbo reply at the same time.
"Is it really that surprising , and she is not my girlfriend, I went on a date with her and next week we are going to a second one" , I told them,
"Does she know about your YouTube and stuff?" ,Phil asked,
"No, she doesn't have social media", I replied,
"Then how did you meet her ? " ,Tubbo asked,
"At the hospital " , I replied,
Tubbo and Phil just said WHAT?, really loudly and Will just stayed calm knowing the situation.
I decide to tell them everything from her mom to now.
I finished telling them and Phil just said,
"That must be really hard",
"Yeah", Tubbo agreed
"I know", I just said,
"You should tell her about YouTube and all that stuff on you date next week",Will told me,
"I'll try", I replied ,
"I gotta go bye guys" ,I said
"Byeee" ,everyone exclaimed.
I decided to eat dinner and go to sleep. I feel sleep thinking about her, she is just so amazing and beautiful, I hope everything goes well, I will text her tomorrow. I thought while falling asleep

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