Chapter Nine (last chapter)

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     "Okay," I said opening the door to my room, ready to face my fears, "how do you feel about a-"

When I looked over at my bed, he was gone.


I looked all over the house but had this strange feeling he wasn't there. I checked various rooms and then finally went outside. There were too many people crowding my vision and I forgot to put on a coat or anything so it was freezing.

"G-Gerard?!" I tried to yell over the howling snow and wind.


I held my arms close to my chest for warmth and went down the sidewalk. I didn't know where I was going and highly doubted I would find him but it was worth a try.

About ten feet in, I saw something move. It was hard to tell with the snow but I could make out a figure.

"Hey!" I yelled at him.

He stopped for a second but didn't turn his head around, as if he was debating in his head whether to stop or not. He then continued on.

"Hey, stop! You're gonna freeze out here!"

He was wearing a coat and other warm layers of clothes, I would be the one freezing. But still, I had to try.

"What the hell are you doing?! It's fucking cold out here! You're gonna freeze to death!"

I tried to catch my breath and not loose it to the cold weather, but I realized that maybe it was his plan to freeze to death.

I couldn't let that happen.

"Gerard, come back!"

I finally caught up to him and put a hand around him, but he ripped it off.

"Just, l-leave me alone!" He yelled in a trembling voice.

"No, you can't walk home in this weather! Do you even know where you're going?!"

"Does it look like I know where I'm going?!"

"I mean, I,"

He was right, he was just blindly walking into the storm.

"Just stop being so damn stubborn and come inside with me!"


He tried to pick up his speed but the wind came down on us even harder than before. I couldn't stay out here for much longer.

"G-Gerard," I stopped and hugged my arms to my chest even tighter, trying to get all the body heat I could.

He turned around.

"Holy shit, you went out here without a coat?!" He asked, sounding generally concerned.

I nodded.

"Frank, what're you doing out here?"

"You tell me what you're doing first."

I'll be Home for Christmas (A Frerard Story)Where stories live. Discover now