The Seeker

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Aqua lad ran down the hall falowed by wolf.The big dig was sniffing the ground near the closet in the hall.Aqualad quietly opened the door.He saw somthing bright red in the very back of the shelf.

"Guess nobobys in here!"he bluffed over dramatically.A loud sigh was heard from inside the closet fallowed by a:


Kaldur dramatically swung open the door and shoved a bix off the shelf."I found you and you guys losed!"

"Humph."artemis pouted arms crossed "thanks alot dumby head!"

"Hey it wasnt my fault aramis!"The two went to the living room while kaldur kept searching.

Aqualad rode on wolfs back as the dog sniffed out the other players.He came to the souvenir room when wolf stopped.Jumping off Aquald opened the door.The lights were on and souvenirs were still scattered on the floor.Achar had been moved across the room.

"Ah!"He quietly whispered as he grinned.Kaldur walked across the room and moved the chair to reveal zatanna."Found you!"He laughed.

"was i da firs one ta be found?" she asked him.

"no."zatanna started getting excited"but you stil lost big time!" Zatannas face fell and she looked down.

"oh"Zatanna began to walk away.

"but you still did uh good!"Kaldur said trying to make her happy again."She giggled and skipped away as kaldur hopped on wolfs back.

Walkng near the library he saw the door was ajar and the the light was on.Wolf sniffed the floor as they walked in.

Kaldur looked every where and found no one.It was the he saw somthing move on the top shelf."Miss martain if your on da book shelf i found you!"He called up.

Miss martain came floating down"How did you kow i was a up dere?"

"i saw you move.Oh an by da wa you dint win sorry."

"okay have fn searching!"She sad as she cheerfully skipped out the door.

Kaldur got on wolfs back and rode him into the gym.After a thorough search there they moved on to the bathroom.

As they opend the door they thought they heard somthing.Wolf sniffed around the room and kaldur checked the stalls. But when kaldur was ready to give up he notced wolfsniffing around the cabnets under the sink.

"Shh!"he quietly whispered to wolf who was now pantingClimbing onto the sink he made it sound like he was leaving.

"Well guess hes not in here! Lets leave wolf!"Kaldur was trying so hard not to lugh.He still sat onthe counter.

After a minute the door slowly opened and emerged from the cabnet was a young boy wonder.Aqualad jumpped of the counter"Raawwrr!"

"Aaahhhhh!!"robin screamed tripping into wolf."hey why you scare me wike dat?"

"Sorry but i found you an you lise."kaldur said staring plainly at him.

Kaldur and Robin rode wolf to the living room were the other kids playedsimon says.

"Simon-no wally says...hey weres super boy?"

"How does dat even make sense bywatch?"

"Dont worry," kaldur said reassuringly "i will find him!"

Kaldur went into the kitchen. He cant hide in the oven or freezer or pantry but...

Swinging open the doors to the diferent cuobairds kaldyr was determined.He had looked in all of them except for one right near the fridge.

Swinging it open he saw nothing but a box.Kaldur got ready to clode the door when he moved the box.

"found yo!"He said triumphantly.

"Yay i win!"connor said.they headed back to the living room and played for about another15-20min.

Black canary came out and announced dinner.She did a head count as each kid waked in the room and noticed roy was missing.Dnah went nto the living room and saw roy pop out from underneath a blanket in a chair.

"They forgot me."He said sadly walking into the dining room.

"Wait guys i didnt win roy was stil hiding se!" connor pointed at roy "he was still hiding da whool time!"

The kds ate dinner and were sent off to bed.Robin still had his elphant gripped bt the front left leg.He was almost asleep so batman picked him up and put him to bed.The kids would have a fun new make shift playroom and none of them could wait. But eventually every one of them drifted to sleep...

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