The whole story

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Batman was trying to get roy to tell him the whole story but he had the mind of a chid so it took some patience. He heard a luttle girl yell his name. Batman and everyone else looked up to see a little girl run up to him and cling onto his leg.

"Looks like you made a friend bats." Green arrow chucled.

Batman glared at him.He nelt down near the small child clinging to him. She looked like zatanna. Batman spoke softly, "Hey hey whats wrong?" the little girl looked scared.

"well first it was dark den i heard a monster den da moser ate a wittle boy! i heard he screamed den it chased me an AN....... dats all." She grinned at him.

"Okay Dinah Oliver you try to get the story from roy im going to go check out this 'monster'."Batman took the little girls hand and let her lead the way to the "monster".


Wally was startled to see a blonde girl staring at him.

"Wally?" She said. "is dat you baywatch?"

"Artemis?" wally stared at her in awe. "Your... your a-"

"a little kid? Your one to look at yer self!"

Wally stared at his reflection in the stainless steel dishwasher. He stared for a moment. "Okay dats weird. But im hungry i tought i was a monster but it was just my tummy!" wally giggled.

"I'll help you get the cookies off da shelf!" artemis said walking towards rhe pantry.

The two teens turned kids helped each other. The found a chair to stand on but were just barly to short. So wally helped artemis up on his shoulders and were able to knock the cookies down as they fell to the ground.

They landed with a loud thump. Artemis and wally both sat up laughing.

Wally grabbed the box of cookies which had spilled a few on the floor when they had fallen. "Cookie?"

"Yummy!" Artemis scooted next to wally and together the sat in the middle of the kitchen eating choclate chip cookies.

Aqualads pov.

Aqualad had been enjoying a nice swim when he felt he should find his team.He got out of the pool dripping and walked into the hall to see a tall dark figure with a small dark figure.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" the smaller one screamed. "ITS DA MONSTER!HES GONNA EAT US!"

"im not a moster. Its me aqualad!" Aqualad stepped forward. the tall figure reached for the wall when suddenly the lights turned on.

It was batman. "look zatanna its just aqua lad. Okay?theres no monster."

"Batman? Zatanna?"Aqualad ran up to them.

Then they all heard a squeal from the bedroom.

Mgaans pov

Mgaan stayed hiding under her blanket for what seemed like forever.She kept worring that the sleeping monster would wake up and sneak in her bedroom!She tried to think of somthing nice.

Mgans thoughts were interrupted by a little girl scream outside her door.


mgaan got scared and began to silently cry.Then she heard someone say it was batman.

"EEEEKKKK!" Mgaan squealed because batman was going to save her.

She burst out of the door to see batman kneeling on the floor with two other kids.They looked like aqualad and Zatanna.All three of them stared at mgaan.

"Mgaan?" batman asked.

"Yup thats me!" She smiled at him completly forgetting about the "monster".

"okay zatanna Kaldur ang mgaan i want you guys to go to the living room. Roy green arrow and black canary are out there i have got to find superboy robin artemis and wally."

The three kids headed back to the living room as batman looked for the other kids.

Supie errr...superboys pov

Connor got bored with just the cheshire mask so he got down every single souvinir he could reach. He spread them ouut on the floor pretending each souvenir was a little character.

He heard people screaming down the hall so he got up and locked the door. He sat there occupying himself untill he heard a knock on the door.

"what?"connor said not evenlooking up from his game.

"Its batman you need to open the door."

connor who had the cheshire madk on got up and opend the door. He looked up at batman who bent down and removed the cheshire mask to reveal a aborable 5 year old superboy.

"hey connor have you seen any of the other kids?"

" dey got turned ta kids to!?"

"yes lookhow about you head towards the living room. black canary green arrow and a few of the kids are there you go on."

connor went to the living room but green arrow wasnt there. The kids were all sitting on the couch whil canary asked them questions. connor sat down next to aqualad.

a minute later green arrow came from the kitchen with wally and artemis. They sat next to connor.

Artemis had a half eaten cookie and wally was coverd in crumbs and choclate.

"connor," black canary adked, "tell me whst you remember okay?"

Batmans pov.

Batman had searched everysingle room for roin except robins room and thegym. He was right near the gym si he entered quietly. He heard the faint sobbs of a young child.

"Dick?" batman called.


Batman turned on the light and saw a young toddler sitting near the punching bags.

"BA'man? Buce!"

it was dick all right. Robin looked about 3 or 4. Robin stood up and ran to batman with his arms open.Batman embraced robin and gave him a hug "Hey buddy. dick whats the matter?" batman gently spoke to the young child.

"i was scared." robin began to whimper.

"hey hey its okay." batman softly said. "okay come here." batman picked robin up.Robin laid his head on batmans shoukder and started to suck on his thumb.

"no nodont do that." bat man saud gently as he took ribins thumb out of his mouth. He headed to the living room wereevery one else was.

*well hope you enjoyed i will try to updte soon until then stay trought.*

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