04 | Weak

858 27 33

Content warnings; mild violence

(Y/N)'s POV

I followed Jean and the others to our table. I was nervous, considering I haven't eaten a meal with anyone for a while. I was always eating alone, so I felt grateful. However, I genuinely started to feel bad that I kicked Eren's ass today. So, I wanted to call him over to tell him that I'm sorry and that I was just trying to get him fired up.

It was a friendly battle anyway—at least I hoped so. Besides, it seemed like Eren was putting on a show for me, so I did exactly the same thing.

The moment I saw him walk in with Armin and Mikasa, I motioned him to come towards me. He ended up ignoring my gesture, by only looking at me hastily. Whenever he did manage to look at me, he had an acrimonious facial expression—In addition to his face turning bright pink.

Is he too embarrassed to look at me or did I give off the wrong gesture?

I looked down and for some reason, I felt upset. Upset that he was mad at me maybe? Upset that we got off on the wrong foot? I don't know why I feel upset, but I do.

What am I even saying? I shouldn't feel upset, after all, it was just a stupid practice drill. If he took offense to me beating him, then he's just a big baby.

But why does the thought of him hating me kinda hurt? I don't want to be hated already, It's only my first day here for crying out loud.

Luckily, Sasha interrupted my train of irrational thoughts.

"(Y/N), good job kicking Eren's ass today!" She cheered, eating some bread.

"Thanks, b-but I think he's mad at me." I said in a slightly hurt tone, but I managed to smile.

"Oh, he'll get over it in no time! By the way, are you going to eat that?" She pointed at a piece of leftover bread on my tray.

I happily pushed my tray towards her, giving her the okay that she could have it.

"It was great to see Yeager's ass on the ground today! If only it were I that beat him to a pulp—I'd feel much better." Jean shouted, raising his fists in the air.

"Give credit where it's due, horseface! We all know you've would've ended up the ground again anyway!" Connie laughed, Sasha laughing right with him, with bread crumbs all over her face.

Jean groaned, "I beat his ass too, you know!" He yelled back, slightly scowling, as everyone laughed at his remark.

"Seriously, I didn't know you had it in you! You looked amazing and you're fast too." Hanji smiled at me, her eyes widened with amusement.

"I wouldn't be surprised if Levi allows you to compete this go around." Historia's soft voice had said, inserting herself into the conversation.

"He wouldn't, not this time at least." I replied, debunking that idea in my head.

I don't think I'm good enough to compete against any of these guys, besides I just got here.

"Well, we'll be finding out who competes tomorrow anyway." Hanji slammed her hands on the table, causing it to shake slightly.

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