25 | Confrontation

476 9 81

Content warnings; foul language (mild) :(

I had been ignoring Eren since yesterday, though, he was so persistent in getting me to talk to him. He'd often spam text my phone, but I wouldn't answer—it's not like I didn't want to, I just couldn't. Those words he said to me when I had last spoke to him, truly did sadden me and I couldn't find it in my heart to talk to him.

I never felt this distressed about the barbaric things he said to me before—until now at least, because this time it just felt different. I had been ignoring Jean's texts too because of his austere attitude and accusations of me allegedly lying to him.

I sat up in her bed, gazing down at my slightly aching body. When I had came over last night, I barely spoke to Historia. We conversed here and there, but we hadn't talked like we normally would. I didn't know what to say to her, I didn't know what to say to anyone anymore.

She quietly walked in, holding a plate of food for me. I reached out and noticed her eyes lowered, surveying my bruises and cuts. She immediately locked her eyes back into mine and I could see the fretfulness on her face. She tried her best to contain her angelic smile, but I knew deep down inside, she was well over apprehensive.

She sat down on her bed next to me and we silently ate our food. The scraping of the metal forks against the white ceramic plates was the only thing breaking the silence in between us.

"Eren didn't do this." I said, abruptly.

Historia stopped chewing and looked over at me, "Did you do it to yourself?" She asked, apprehensively.

I sighed, "N-no I didn't, it was Hitch and her friends." I admitted, disregarding the fact that I did cut my arm prior to the whole situation with Hitch.

She gasped, "Hitch?! We have to do something—or tell the administration! Someone at least, goddamn it! (Y/N), why didn't you tell me this sooner?" She asked frantically, slamming her utensils onto the plate.

"No!" I screamed, "You can't tell anyone. You're lucky enough that I told you." I said, candidly.

She slightly furrowed her eyebrows, "Why can't I tell anyone? What's stopping you—and me, from telling anyone?" She questioned, angry over the fact that she can't help me.

I huffed, timorously playing with the food on my plate, "Hitch, she threatened me. Call me dumb or whatever, but I believe her. That bitch is beyond crazy." I replied.

"Th-threatened you? Oh god, what did she say to you, (Y/N)?" She questioned, her eyes filled with discontent.

"...That she'd kill me if I told anyone." I spoke, softly.

"(Y/N), eventually the truth is going to have to come out. How long are you going to keep listening to these false rumors? Jean's upset now and everything went to shit." She explained, sighing.

"I don't care that he's upset right now." I replied, flatly.

She side-eyed me, "Did something happen between you two?" She asked.

"Something like that. He was being a total dick and calling me a liar, when I honestly couldn't tell him what really happened." I averted, rolling my eyes.

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