The Temple Of Time

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Y/n nearly lost his balance for the third time as Chaldea was rocked by yet another tremor from being pulled into the final singularity.

This was it. All the work that every master in Chaldea had put in had finally lead them to this moment.

The magician didn't even wait for the door to slide open, he just opened the abyss and walked into the command room.

Y/n: "Goetia's pulling us in!?"

Roman: "If I had to give an estimate, I'd say we have maybe an hour before we make contact."

Y/n: "

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Y/n: "... That's plenty of time."

Roman: "For what!?"

Y/n: "There's something I want to try."

Roman nodded as Y/n walked to the coffins. Instead of getting into one, he sat cross-legged and closed his eyes.

In his time training between the fifth grail war and his coma, he had reached out to a certain someone to help him learn about his abilities with magic blue.

He had never actually tried to do this, but that person taught him about something he could do if the situation was dire enough.

So he reached out with magic blue. One year. Five years. Ten years.

Suddenly he found himself in a familiar place. His mindscape.

Looking around, he saw that this was vastly different from how it normally looked. The grass was a lush green. Cronus' vineyard was far larger than ever. Bailong's mountain now had four peaks instead of the normal one.

Standing across from him however, was a shadowy figure of a man

???: "Took you long enough."

Y/n: "Who the hell?"

The man turned, revealing gentle green eyes.

Y/n: "Abzu!?"

???: "No. I haven't been Abzu for many years now."

Y/n: "Then... You're me?"

???: "I suppose I am, yeah. But that can wait. You're here to borrow my power for a while, yes?"

Y/n: "Can't promise that I'll give it back."

???: "Ahaha! Don't worry. Denial of Nothingness really comes in handy for this stuff. As does the beasts authority."

Y/n: "Ight, bet. That shit's mine now."

???: "It always was to begin with."

Y/n smirked and reached out before he was blinded by a bright light.

When he opened his eyes in the command room, he felt slightly different. Stronger.

He turned and looked back at the command room where Chaldea's staff were all looking at him in shock.

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