Banquet p2

16 1 7

The perfect tasting meat causes the group to cheer, Patton flushing pink. "Ah, thank you!"

Whilst eating, Virgil looks around, his eyes filling with skepticism. "Patton, why is this food so good?" He asks, watching as Logan, Patton, and Janus freeze up.

"Er, it's just a secret ingredient. The ingredient of LOVE!" Patton says, causing the others to aw, and continue eating. Virgil snorts, and continues eating, chewing on a sharp and stringy part.

Patton winces as Virgil pulls out the stringy...flesh. Human flesh. Everyone turns and stares at Virgil. "...Patton. What, the FUCK, is this!?"

"I'm so sorry, Virgil." Patton pulls out a large knife. "Janus, lock the door."
Panic sets in as the others scurry to the doors, unable to open them. Logan sighs, snapping on his rubber gloves.

Janus sighs, pulling out the chainsaw that Patton handed him. "Virgil, you've given me no choice. I'm sorry, but you know the secret now. You have to die, all of you."

((Sorry for not finishing, I'm running out of steam right now. I'll post more tomorrow!))

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