Banquet p3

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As Logan revved the chainsaw, and Janus locked the doors, Patton finally relaxed, his shoulders untensing as he gently takes off his cardigan.
"P-Patton, what the HELL-" Roman starts, but swiftly shuts up when he sees the scalpel pressing to his neck.
"Oh, Roman.... do you think I would let ANYONE talk about this...?"
Virgils blood ran cold as he looked at the plates, taking a mental count-
"Where's Remus...?"
Pattons grin grew ever wider as he lifted up a plate cover, revealing Remus's head on a platter.
"Don't worry, once we eat him all, he comes back perfectly fine. It's just how this world works. Not like that for normal HUMANS, though."
Virgils face turned pale green as Roman stared, and looked at his plate, tears in his eyes. Patton sighed, and lifted up a heavy brick, before slamming it on Roman's head.

  A few weeks passed, and Patton noticed something new. They all saw him for who he was, and they remembered. But now they could NEVER tell Thomas.

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