So Her Quirk Is...

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Y/n ran over, sitting down on the floor, letting two of the three cats surround her. The black cat stayed perched on top of the cat tree, gazing down at the girl, then at Aizawa. 

"The ginger one's name is Ginger. The grey and white one is Ash, and the black one is Bubbles." Aizawa explained bringing in the bags of clothes. He set them down on the couch before grabbing bubbles and setting him on his lap. 

"I've always wanted a cat. The ones I used to feed always ran away." Y/n said, pouting at the memory as she allowed Ginger to rub along her side, plopping down against her. 

"Well, now you have three. Let's get you bathed, and dressed in your new clothes." Aizawa led Y/n off to the guest bathroom, starting the water, and filling it with some bubble bath that Nemuri left behind. And on queue, Bubbles ran in, hopping into the sudsy water, splashing everyone close enough to see. "Out!" Aizawa yelled, trying to grab the soaking wet cat. Finally getting him out of the tub, he sighed letting out the water, washing any possible cat hair out before restarting the water, making sure the door was completely closed. "You don't need help, do you?" Aizawa asked, getting a small shake of the head before he turned off the faucet leaving her to undress and wash up.

After about 30 minutes, Aizawa came in to check on her, and leave Y/n clothes and a towel. "You're not dead are you?" He asked from outside of the door, not wanting to go in. 

"No!"  She yelled, letting the water out, and grabbing the towel and clothes. Y/n quickly changed, drying herself off, and walked out of the bathroom, dirty clothes in hand. 

"Just leave them in the hamper, in the laundry room. Second door on the left." Aizawa said, looking down at the child, going into the kitchen he pulled his hair back into a ponytail and began cooking some food for the both of them. The evening went by like a flash, both full and tired. Y/n slept in the guest bedroom, excited to join Aizawa in going to work tomorrow.  The night went by as smoothly as a train wreck, not used to the new comfort, and scared of the new place Y/n didn't sleep much. Choosing to sneak into Aizawa's room and curl up next to him. The multiple attempts he made to put her back in the guest bedroom went horribly as each time she would get up and wander back into the man's room. Once morning finally came, Aizawa was tired and was helping dress an even more tired child. "Next time, I'll just let you sleep in my room." He grumbled as he put Y/n into some sweatpants and a random shirt with a goodie overtop. Picking her up and resting her on his hip, he went and made the both of them lunch for later, and he made himself coffee. Finally, he grabbed his sleeping bag before leaving to head to the school.

"Ah! Aizawa, how are you?" Mic asked, his hand filled with the notecards he had prepared for the introduction to the entrance exam. 

"I'm doing just fine." Aizawa's larger-than-usual eye bags told him differently, but none the less they went inside, Aizawa set up his little viewing station, and readied to watch the entrance examinees. Y/n was curled up on his lap sleeping soundly as Aizawa waited for the practical examination to begin. 

"Hey, how is the little thing?" Midnight asked, crouching down, Y/n was slightly awake, but not trying to get anywhere or move around. 

"She's been fine, for the one night I had her," Aizawa answered his voice dripping with sarcasm. 

"Have you found out anything about her quirk yet?" Midnight inquired, sitting down at her station. 

"No, all I know is that she at least has mine, woods, and Mt Lady's quirks, and potentially Endeavor's and maybe even Mirio's." Aizawa looked down at the mysterious girl, watching as she stretched and looked at midnight like she was an alien. 

"What's your quirk?" Y/n asked, looking up at Aizawa every few seconds. 

"I can release a sort of pheromone that can make people fall asleep." Midnight explained, lifting up her sleeve, and letting a tiny amount out into the room. People became drowsy, but there wasn't enough to make them all fall asleep. Aizawa went around opening up windows to let out more ventilation. Y/n copied, rolling up her sleeves, and soon the same pink gas emitted out of her arm, making everyone's eyes widen in shock. 

"Shit, if she continues we're all gonna pass out," Vlad growled, covering his nose. Aizawa activated his quirk, causing the gas to stop. 

"Vlad, language. There is a child in the room." Aizawa had reprimanded the man, before looking down at Y/n. 

"Midnight, did she touch you at all?" Aizawa asked, trying to connect the dots that would give him answers about the small girl's quirk. 

"No, not once." Midnight answered, still in a state of shock that her quirk was just copied. 

"Maybe she can copy a quirk once it's explained to her. Vlad, explain to the girl how your quirk works." Soon all of the adults were too busy focusing on the kid to even realize that the number one hero had entered the observation area. 

"It's not working. Did you do anything else?" 

"I showed her my quirk." The group began discussing who should show her their quirk next, trying to pick the least dangerous one. 

"Hey, Y/n." A cinder block-shaped man walked up to the girl, showing how his quirk worker. Soon after Y/n was building walls around the room smiling and giggling as a pillar picked her up and she sat upon it looking down at the room of heroes.

"Y/n, can you make the pink gas again?" Midnight asked, everyone in the room was confused, but as pink gas emitted from Y/n's arms, Aizawa used his quirk to cancel her's letting the girl fall safely into his arms as Cementos made look normal again. 

"So, she can copy and save quirks that she has seen. That's why she was able to use woods and Mt. Lady's because when I found her, she was watching their fight. She must have seen me use my quirk at some point, that's why she can use mine, and possible she's seen Mirio and Endeavors. There are so many quirks that we don't even know if she has yet, and that's what scares me." Aizawa explained, sitting down, taking a long sip of coffee, trying to wrap his mind around everything, when Present Mic barged into the room. 

"Okay, I don't know why you all are so stressed, but they have just been released, the screens will go live in 10 minutes." Leaving the room, they decided it was best for Y/n not to be in the room seeing as there would be many quirks being shown on the screens and it was only a matter of time before there would be one that would be dangerous enough that it could kill them all. So they sent her out of the room with All Might, letting him walk her around the halls and relax as they waited for the examination to be done, and Aizawa to come and pick her up again. 

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