If Only I Could Kill You

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Y/n and Aizawa were at the school exceptionally early, Aizawa needed to make the final preparations for the USJ assignments for today, and Y/n needed to be with Aizawa because she doesn't have a car and neither can she drive. 

"I need to make a call, so I need my phone back," Aizawa said, looking down at the screen being clutched tightly in the toddler's hold. 

"One more minute," Y/n whined, scooching away and continuing to play her game. 

"No. Phone. Now." Aizawa held his hand out, his face getting stern. 

"I can do that too. No. Phone. Mine." Y/n mimicked, even changed her face to as stern as she could. As Aizawa began to get more and more aggravated his hair began to raise, eyes becoming red. 

"You're not the only one who can do that." Y/n tried to do it too, but her quirk didn't seem to work. In a sudden flash, the phone was no longer in her hands, as she had gotten too distracted with trying to activate her quirk, that she forgot the entire fact she was having an argument. 

"Thank you, You can have it back once I'm done." Aizawa walked off dialing thirteen to confirm that they are still available for today. 

"Okay, that's great... Mhm, we will be leaving at around noon... Yeah, so try and get here at 11:45, so that then there is enough time to get to the USJ... No problem. Yep. Bye." Aizawa hung up, tossing the phone back to the girl. "See? It didn't take me that long." 

"Meanie butt," Y/n mumbled before going back to playing her game, sparing Aizawa a few glances to see what he was doing. There was a comfortable silence between the two, a few teachers came and went, grabbing coffee or donuts, or papers that they left on the table, but other than that. Silence. The morning bell rang, to signal the beginning of the school day. 

"Come one Y/n, let's go," Aizawa called, standing at the door, and holding his hand out. Walking over, Y/n grabbed his hand and they made their way down the hall to the classroom. "Now, you're gonna stick with me for most of the day, the USJ should be safe, but I don't want you going anywhere near the rescue areas. It's too dangerous." The two went inside, and rather than sitting at Aizawa's desk, as usual, Y/n went and tapped Shoji on the arm. Everyone was curious as to what Y/n was doing, but when Shoji moved his arm, Y/n climbed in his lap, taking a seat facing the front. "Did you ask before you sat there?" Aizawa said getting ready to reprimand Y/n before Shoji but in. 

"She's fine," Shoji said, wrapping his arms around her to be able to reach his desk.

"Y/n next time ask before you go taking a seat on anyone's lap," Aizawa told Y/n before beginning his lesson. 

The hours seemed to tick by slower and slower, almost like there was something wrong. 

Class 1-A was standing outside in front of the bus, ready to board as Iida was yelling at everyone about seating arrangements. But those weren't too important when the bus's layout was not that of a regular school bus. "It's okay Iida, maybe next time," Ochako said before sitting down, no one really dared to sit next to the hot-headed blonde except for Y/n, who had climbed up onto the seat, and laid against him to rest as she played her game, but it all went south when Bakugou was being teased, and he decided that standing and yelling was the best choice, so Y/n just went to sit with Aizawa instead. 

"We're here." Aizawa's voice announced, getting everyone's attention. The students stepped out of the bus and walked inside of the giant building to be met with a marshmallow. 

"Hello, students. I just have one thing to say... two actually... make that three." 

"It's never gonna end," Y/n whined, putting her face in Aizawa's stomach, tuning out Thirteen's speech. When she peeked out of Aizawa's stomach, a purple blob began forming in front of the fountain. "Papa- Aizawa, there is something happening." Aizawa was too caught up at what Y/n first called him to even process what was said second. 

"Mr. Aizawa." Midoriya stuttered, pointing over to the fountain. Finally, Aizawa looks over, his eyes growing to the size of saucers. Picking Y/n up, he placed her in Bakugou's arms. 

"Take care of Y/n, and get out of the building. I'll deal with them." Aizawa pulled his goggles up, his right hand clasping his scarf. 

"Mr. Aizawa! You can't possibly fight them alone, your quirk is better for one on one close contact battles." Midoriya said, anxious to figure out what his teacher was thinking.

"You can't be a hero without more than one trick up your sleeve."  Aizawa jumped down to the middle area, prepared to fight. 

"Huh, it seems Allmight isn't here." Shigiraki began scratching his neck even more. 

"No worries, one of our targets is here though." Both pairs of eyes zeroed in on Y/n as she looked around panicked. Kurogiri warped in front of the group of children as they made their way to the exit. "Not so fast, we're here for Allmight, and my Master needs her as well." Just before the purple mist could surround the group, thirteen began sucking it in, destroying it before it could envelop the kids. Bakugou had placed Y/n on the ground and he and Kirishima got in thirteen ways as they tried to attack giving Kurogiri time to attack Thirteen and send all of the teens to different wreck zones, dropping Y/n in the middle of the battlefield between Aizawa and Nomu.


I'm so sorry, this chapter has practically been down, but I just never found the time to complete it in its entirety and upload it with testing going on. I hope you guys can forgive me, and I hope you all enjoyed. Peace!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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