Chapter 7

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"The winner of the one and only Royal Games is............ Mirabel!" The announcer yelled.

The entire land of Floccinaucinihilipilification cheered. Mirabel was so happy and she saw Prince Charming. He came over to her and said, "Mirabel, congratulations on winning the Royal Games," Mirabel smiled, "Thank you! I'm so happy that-" Prince Charming cut her off.

"But I never agreed to having the games. I do not like violence and death, so due to the fact that you just killed many people, I will not marry you." Mirabel was heartbroken. She had killed her best friends for no reason.

A year later Mirabel moved far away having trouble living due to what she had done. Prince Charming found an amazing girl named Fleur and they got married soon afterwards. Most people lived happily ever after.

So, that was the end. I hope you liked it!

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