Ep: 5 Un-noticed feelings and My Ex and Lisa

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Jisoo's P.O.V

I saw in her eye's how much she cared for her.

I saw how much love she has for her

I saw her jealousy

I saw a side I have never seen about her. I side I wanted to see for myself and for myself to experience.

I want her to also show me the same worry and care she has for her.

I want her notice me

I want her to notice my efforts, My feelings and my sincerity.

I wanted her to notice me

But I think my chance now is gone. After all I know.... I know she love someone else. I mean how can she love me. after all......

our relationship is inside the borderline of friendship and nothing else.

I want to walk past that line, but I'm scared. I don't want our friendship to end. I don't want to lose her and I don't think I can live without seeing her.

And I'm not ready to lose her yet.

I just have to hide these un-noticed feelings for now Or maybe......


Seulgi's P.O.V

I'm completely shocked. My ex and my best-friend right here right now in-front of me holding hands. 

Irene's Friends are also here at the back looking shock as they saw me, but I ignored there glares and stares as I looked at Irene's hand holding Lisa's which made my heart ache.

I don't know what to feel right now. My Ex and My best-friend. How do they know each other?? Did Irene move on from me that quickly.

I couldn't help but stare at Irene and I felt my eye's getting teary as Memories started to flash about me and her.

I want to run away, but My leg wouldn't move it was as if My legs were stuck in this position as My eye's started to blur because of the tears that may come down.

I don't know what's gotten into me, but my voice just came out like a whisper.

"Irene" I called out.

She furrowed her brows and looks at me with so much hate. Of coarse I deserved it since I did break her heart. I know I won't be forgiven for what I did, but at least let me say sorry.

I know Lisa senses the tension between us so Lisa immediately took Irene out of the room and I was thankful for that. I could finally breath, but the thought of them holding hands bothered me.

But I shouldn't feel this way anymore since she is not mine. I shouldn't care about her. I should forget her. Its hard to forget though. and these feelings are starting to linger again, and I hate it. Theses feelings should just go away.

I stood there for a couple of minute until I finally moved controlling my emotions in-front of her friends as they looked at me with hate and disgust. 

I never told Lisa about my relationship about Irene since it was a secret and only Irene's friends and Rosè included knew. After the break up Rosè of coarse distance herself from me and Irene's friends also hated me for it. Wendy found out about it late and starting cursing at me through text which I ignored and blocked since I knew it was my fault for causing Irene to feel hurt.

I sighed internally as I cleaned there table and collected there empty and almost finished plates. I just hope my day wouldn't get any worse.

Irene's P.O.V

"you want some Ice cream" Lisa asked as I looked at her stressed. we are currently at a park that is just a couple of blocks away from the restaurant. 

 I have to admit I like Lisa. just at first glance I already fell for her. I felt the same feelings i use to have when I was with Seulgi, but I don't want to feel these feeling yet. I just feel broken.

Work is catching up to me and its making me tired and stressed and after the break up it just gave me more sadness. She was my one and only last hope. My last joy.


even her new girlfriends name is Joy. just fucking great.

I feel so many types of different emotions that I can't help but cry. I tried to bring the tears back inside my eye's but how can I it just comes out for some reason like its so unreasonable. Like GOD WHY DID YOU MAKE HUMANS LIKE THIS.!!


I continued to rage in the inside and let the sadness flow out. I felt two arm hug me tight and I knew it was Lisa.

"Its okay let it all out. I may not know your history with Seulgi, but I know deep inside you that one day you two will resolve it"

I continued to cry as she hugged me tighter which I was thankful for.

At least I found someone to help me and gave me a shoulder to cry on. 



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