Chapter 19: Rubis

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It seems like a storm is about to come...

As I step foot into the company, I felt shivers run down my spine...

And when I arrived at the employees' office floor, the environment's atmosphere got worsen...

When I finally stopped my track at Caius office, I seem to feel the advance coldness of winter even though it's just in a middle of summer...

I went back to reality when someone opened the office door and revealed the face of Ezzie Fleura when she's in a brink of losing her mind...

"There's no good in the morning so get your a*s inside and calm your friend down before I'll blow up the whole company"

And yes she's indeed in a brink of losing her mind everytime this happens in the office...

I just smiled and patted her shoulder to let her know that she should make a change for her anger issues 'cause if she's talking like that to someone else maybe things could make a misunderstanding...

As I've entered the office, it feels like a snow blizzard just slap unto my face...

I think this might be the worst storm that we've felt so far...

I saw Caius looking so calm while dealing some paperwork however the atmosphere feels the opposite...


I acted like I cleared my throat however it's a sign to let someone know your existence if they're not in a good mood...

Caius didn't even take a single glance and just busied himself...

"Was last night fun?"


I literally jumped off from my seat after Caius slammed tha table, I think I've asked the wrong question though...

"DON'T even get me started, Rubis Mio"

I automatically held my arms up acting like I give up while he's looking at me in his beast mode on...

"Okay, I'm sorry"

Then he returned to work on the papers as I catch for breathe after holding it on...

Moments later, Ezzie went inside and placed tea from the both of us...

After she put the tea on Caius’ table, she went from where I've been sitting and sit beside me while holding the tray table...

"He's feeling jealous"

"I'M NOT!"

I almost caught my mouth burn from the tea after witnessing the tiger and lioness fighting...

Ezzie rolled her eyes as if she's not in front of her boss...

"Then why are you acting like that?"

My eyes went from Ezzie to Caius, can someone bring me some popcorn please?

Caius just glared at Ezzie while Ezzie just raised her eyebrow like a boss waiting for her employee's lame excuse...

"Miss Fleura did you forget that I'm your bos---"

"Well, you're not even acting like my boss as of this moment"

Now I'm witnessing the fight of fire versus water...

Caius looked like he's about to burst in anger but then Ezzie is the type of person whom didn't like to back down after she started the fight...

"You're acting like a lousy in-denial lovesick person and even though you're already making things so obvious yet you're still couldn't admit it why? Because you're afraid"

Ezzie seems to sound like she's serious, even though she had a little control of her anger however she wouldn't become mad at something so unreasonable...

"Why couldn't you be honest of yourself? If you feel afraid then why did you start to act like you're committing to a relationship when you're afraid to accept the consequences of your actions?"

"Miss Fleura stopped this instant"

"BREAKING NEWS: Cina Zeren was caught cheating on Callum Hays before the announcement to the public that the two was already engaged. Last night, a witness claimed that he saw Cina Zeren was having dinner with someone else after the puic saw her getting out from Callum Hays’ car before having dinner with the third party. Netizens flooded malicious comments to Cina Zeren while othwrs flooded comments that they felt sorry for Callum Hays. There's still no news of both parties regarding the issue however netizens felt rage and that Cina Zeren should take the consequences of her actions. This is for today's hot news and stay tune for more updates"

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