Chapter 6

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The little naiad never said anything about the journey being long. Well longer than she had hoped for. At least she was at the front of the gates now.
Gates that were surprising huge. Even if she transformed she wasn't sure she would be at half the height of the gate. It's almost as if they were made for creatures of all sizes she concluded.
Before she could take a step further a guard ushered her to the side and asked for her ID, well she assumed that's what they were asking for. Too preoccupied in the mind with the events that happened to even bother to make a fuss about the guards being a male or that he had grabbed her by the arm to the side.
"Parden my rude interruption my lady but I would like to ask a few questions. If it won't be a bother would you please take a step into my office. It shouldn't take much of your time."
Now that woke her up from her daydreaming, the stepping into office thing, she recalled alot of perverted men used that as an excuse to do vile things.
"Maelstrom" Those where the words that came out of her mouth. He immediately looked alarmed.
"Please be more specific my lady."
Her features scrunched up for a brief moment before answering.
"White Maelstrom."
It seemed as though the color drained from his face. She suddenly felt a spike in energy from the spot the male stood. Raising his hand to his mouth, a loud piercing whistle came from him. She brought her hands to her ears to prevent any damage that could be caused but the sound had already taken effect, she felt dazed as her ears gave very loud and slow thumps. She dropped to a knee as she she rose her gaze to meet his. Two figures suddenly teleported beside the man in front of her, they each grabbed a hand and suddenly they were in a room. They gently sat her down and waited for the effects to subside.
She realized a moment after the effects came to an end that she was in front of a desk and to her surprise, she could see the entire village from where she was seated. The sudden click of the door as it closed behind someone was enough to draw her attention back to reality as she glared at the man who walked past her to the seat infront. No greeting or introduction.
          "Who are you, where are you from, what goddess are you and what is your purpose here ?" Those were the words that came out. His face remained blank as he stared down at her as though talking to a kid, no regard for her status as a goddess nor the fact that she could pose a threat.
         Before she could give him a piece of her mind, she recalled what the naiad said.
"Artemis of the hunt, from a far away universe, goddess of the moon and I am looking for someone who could help my homeland." She took her time to respond as calmly as she could, her temper rising ever so slowly at her current situation.
         "I was informed you said white Maelstrom upon your arrival." Before she could respond she turned her head to the door as it opened and a lady walked in with a file. She placed it in front of the man and abruptly took her leave, not a single sound from her. He opened the file and read the information on the sheet of paper.
He grunted as he kept reading, making more vocal noises as he signed.
"This is a document written by a water goddess explaining your encounter with those lazy good for nothing scales that float around my island. Thank her when you see her. I am Isshin Uzumaki of the Uzumaki clan. It's an honor to meet you lady Artemis. I will call for someone to arrange a place for your stay until you have finished all businesses here in uzu."
Finally. That was the first thing to come to mind.
" I am looking for a mortal that was once a god, blonde spikey hair has, rounded face usually friendly and kind, I will provide you with more information later. He went by the name of zelus." She grudgingly spoke.
"Kana take her to that the priestess she should know what to do. Please don't be alarmed everything will be taken care of by the priestess, she will be able to find him for you and also she will take care of what those good for nothingness gave you." She looked at him puzzled, bewildered even. He called such powerful majestic creatures good for nothings ?
          The door opened and if she had to guess that lady was her secretary, came in and politely gestured to the door and she stood up and followed behind her quietly. They took the stairs to the floor underneath and Kana gestured to the door at the very end of the hallway.
"The room further down there. If you need me I will be upstairs." As soon as she spoke she gave a polite bow and took her leave with Artemis standing in the middle of the hallway alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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