Chapter 4

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Apollo god of the son or light, music, poetry, medicine and prophecy. One of the few gods with abnormal healing capabilities and second to none even when injured he healed at a monstrous rate. That is the brother Artemis and the other gods knew.
       Upon their unsuccessful return from their failed mission Artemis came to camp half blood with the other deities and what they didn't expect was an almost empty camp whose residents were hiding in fear. What exactly they were hiding from was unknown.


               Chiron rushed the moment he sensed familiar godly powers and not that of those monsters.
"My ladies " Chiron spoke with fear as he rushed to them. Fear evident in his voice if his facial expression wasn't enough to alert people enough.
"Please come with me we have an emergency no where is safe." He quickly rushed them to an under ground bunker that was surprisingly big enough to fit the entire camp should the need arise.
               "Chiron what is going." Athena spoke first. They saw the smoke and the smell of things burning in the air and far distance, it was as though there had been a sudden apocalypse after their departure. The fact that they could feel very little of the world power or the dampening in their domains didn't help to easy their worries.
                 "Primordials. Two of them in fact from a different world. Those things came to our world and took what they wanted as if they gave us life." A voice spoke behind them and they looked to their left to see Ares. They gasped at his appearance. He was not only missing an eye but the whole of his left arm.
                  " son what happened to you ?" Hera almost dropped to her knees from pure terror. "I will be fine mother." He tried to ease her worries which wasn't working. "Father is in the room to the left down the hall way. "  He pointed them in his direction when a sudden wave of guilt washed over him when his gaze fell on Percy. His father gave his life so the others could escape.

                      Hera rushed down the hall and open the door with so much force it almost snapped off its hinges. She saw her husband of over thousand years. He sat by Apollo who looked like he was in his late 40s , the stress from what happened aging him drastically. The lower half his body gone and he could fade at any point in time, his expression   was that of someone who was having a nightmare and not the one you could wake up from.

                    *Gasp* Apollo suddenly woke up from his trance in the middle of the meeting of the gods. His sudden gasp echoed down the silent halls of the rather large room earning him stares from all the occupants of the throne room. He remembered all that would happen so clearly. What those monsters would do in years from now should they seek out help from Z. What he wasn't sure about was whether they would still come if they didn't go. Either way something would happen and it was inevitable. Something that would leave their world either powerless or lifeless. Less than a thousand humans remained after their appearance and all the gods except for a few Olympians had been left alive. Zeus had been tied down and he had to watch as everything in the world burnt right before his very eyes. His sons his loved ones his mother brothers and sisters fading from his very view as they were butchered. The world energy sucked from the world and even when Gaia rode to fight she didn't last a minute. Their world literally split into two by just a sword, the nearby planets and stars sucked of their energy
Their word destroyed before their very eyes and they were so helpless about it. Not even Aphrodite was spared. Their techniques so different it was amazing yet terrifying. They had given them time to prepare for combat against them and even Aphrodite had geared up for war and yet she was so badly beaten no one would recognize her at first glance. Not only did it look like her left cheek was scraped , she had a slash going down from the top of her right brow to her chin diagonally and her lips not being spared in the scar. She was even blinded In her right eye.
                  Apollo looked up to Aphrodite and noticed the entire room of gods were staring at him. He sighed and held his face in his right hand. They knew when he had one of those prophecies.
             "There will be an apocalypse years from now. A week before the summer solstice. Beings unknown to us stronger than Primordials of this world.

AN: ait it's official am a shitty person
Button imma try to start uploading soonish ?
Really sorry for disappointing you guys

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