Chapter 2

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It was 5:00 am in the morning and we find lady Hecate, Artemis and Hera in front of the hall of Olympus sitting on horses. They were prepared to go through a portal to find him. He was a trickster and the hardest god to find when he didn't want to found. Artemis wore her usual hunting clothing which consisted of a camo top and down with leather boots, a dagger strapped at her waist a bow on her back with the arrows in the quiver.

Hecate wore leather clothing which were jet black with her blue hair being held behind by a senbon which she used as the pin. She had a cone shaped straw hat. The top of the hat was a cone and the edge of the hat was straight and about five inches long and was parallel to the ground. The straight side had four out of five inches made of metal. People would think it as a nuisance but she knew the purpose for which that place was made metallic. She had a twenty for inches pirate sword strapped on her hip with a bow and arrows on her back. Hera wore the same outfit except hers was a very dark blue which could be mistaken as black.

Hecate, just like she had said, they were about to set off as early as possibly. The rest of the olympians were present to see them off and were currently sitting in their thrones awaiting their departure.

The horses they sat on were horses made by zelus specifically for dimensional travelling. One noticeable thing was that they - the horses and the riders - where human sized because the needed enough space to run.

"I cannot guarantee to any of you that we might return." The expressions of the gods changed. "Why is that if i may ask." Was Poseidon's response.
" As you all know there are different world with different gravitational force and other powerful being. Should we unfortunately encounter a being when we may lose our power due to the change in dimensions, or perhaps be unable to return because of the forces of the other world then please continue on without us it might take eons for us to return in such situations or we might never return.
" Spirit, take us to him" was what she told her horse and before any one could comment on what she just said, they closed their mouths in favor of watching as the horses started to run gaining speed until a blueish portal that looked like a tear in mid air appeared and then blurring in the form of lightning they run through the portal with it closing behind them.

" Wow that was insane" hades said effectively destroying the silence in the room. " I wish i went with them that way if i died i at least got to travel through dimensions while all of you are stuck here. Would have been a nice scene before a tragic death." Apollo dumbly said.

"So what do we do until their return" Aphrodite asked wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. If he were to return with them, she would at least have to lose some weight, train and look nice to get in his favor but thinking about the past and the time she spent with him, that is most definitely and seriously a very bad idea. He dislikes girls who do everything they can to look appealing, he would much rather have the ladies training. He often said that one must not seek war but must be prepared for it , considering how arrogant this side of his family was, that is the best thing to do. Now that is a plan, she could ask him to train her and then things could escalate from there. Yeah that is a a really good plan. But how will he react to the situation about their daughter, well she wasn't the one who is to face his wrath so that can be a thought for the future her.

" I suppose we could prepare a place for his stay be it permanent or temporary. Should he wish to be reinstated then i will assign him to the  camp. You are all dismissed until either they return or there is an emergency." With that said, the Olympians flashed out of the throne room to their various business.

Being the goddess of the wild and all that, she traveled alot and had seen many beautiful scenes one where people will die for but this, this is insane. Its was the moat beautiful thing she had seen in her entire existence, its second being well there were many things that could pass for a second. This, what ever it was was made of bluish and greyish energy that served as a tunnel through which they passed and dear gods she didn't know how to describe it. It seemed to be moving like, the colors were swimming in each other. Just when she taught that was it, different colors specifically roygbiv. The colors were swimming in each other and once a while cracked with lightning of the colors.

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