Chapter 3

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Pacing back and forth, Artemis seethed in anger. 'How could he?'
" How could he just say no and then throw us out like common peasants. He should be honoured that I came all the way to ask for his help. It was a mistake from the beginning. I should not have stooped so low and ask for his help."
"Artemis calm down, are you even listening to yourself right now." Athena tried to get to her.
She had been like that since last night.
"First of all the possibility of him coming along was low. So low that I wanted to tell you it was pointless to ask for his help."

Artemis turned on her heels to look at the goddess and Athena only shrugged her shoulders. Sighing and taking a seat by her sister she taught of why he might have rejected the offer.
" So maybe I was impolite and rude and demanding when we talked but he knows that the situation is delicate. " She spoke.
"Artemis, he must have a reason. If he is still the same as he was then he understands you perfectly but something must be preventing him from doing so. He mostly has a reason for what he does except the stupid stuff that is." She chipped in a bit.

" Do you think it's because of what happened in the past?" Artemis asked.
"What happened ?"Annabeth bagded into the conversation without realizing it only to be conscious of what she said as all the heads in the big house turned to her.

" Umm I am so sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you." She tried to make herself as small as possible whiles backing out of the room but stopped when Hecate gestured for her to come sit beside her.
The silence became awkward as they all stared at Hecate and annabeth with the later looking in any direction away from the Olympians.

" Either way someone is going to find out what is the use in hiding it ?" Hecate questioned. " They won't unless someone reveals it. It has been hidden since the beginning and it will continue to be hidden." Athena interjected.

" Am sorry but am I the only who feels uncomfortable with a mortal here." Mr. D asked with his hands raised. " This mortal is my daughter" Annabeth sat straight as her mother defended her. " Well she ain't mine so scram little girl" " she stays D, one mortal knowing the truth won't hurt anyone as far as she doesn't tell anyone. Besides she isn't going to live forever." Hecate silenced him with the truth.

"Thank you my lady" " You are most welcome my dear." Hecate responded, although Annabeth didn't like the way she defended her, at least she got to stay.

"See, the old hag with the bow cursed zelus's daughter because the little missy said her auntie was gonna find love someday and have healthy kids and because the old hag hates men and wants to remain an eternal virgin she couldn't help herself. So far all that the little miss has said about people has come true so artemisia was kinda scared and that's the gist of it." Mr. D summarises the whole thing.

Artemis had been trying to stop him but hecate would stop her whenever she tried." So where is she now if you don't mind me asking."
" The little girl has a point, haven't seen her since someone tried to rape her and that had been like at least a thousand years ago." Mr D asked Hecate.

" Am sorry but I do not know of her where about but back to the matter at hand "

Before they could continue with the conversation a camper knocked on the door and entered after being granted permission.
Following the camper was a tied up Percy and Grover who were dragged by four other campers.

"Pardon my intrusion but we caught Percy Jackson sneaking out of camp with Grover " The camper stated while pointing to the run aways.The gods said nothing but kept staring at Percy. Chiron thanked the campers and ushered them out of the room.

" Percy do you have anything to say." Chiron asked him while leaning on his staff and kept on staring at Percy."I... I wanted to save my mother. I can't just stay here when my mother has been captured. I have to do something."

"What can you do boy. The one you are going up against is a god, someone that is as strong as the king of the gods. If u haven't forgotten he is the lord of the underworld. Assuming you are able to get to the underworld then what will you do then, tell me. The only thing that you will accomplish is getting your friends and family killed and the upcoming war will go on because the one who is to prevent it got himself killed." Athena questioned him and all he could do was stand and shuffle around in discomfort as the gazes of the gods pierced him. He stood still and said nothing.
"So what am I supposed to do now Chiron ??"

The centaur looked at him then at the gods. " We are yet to find a solution Percy. Your aid hasn't arrived and I am afraid that he may not be coming."
" If he isn't coming how am I supposed to find the bolt and save my mother, the lady over there just said that I couldn't do it alone or I might die." "Percy show respect. Every single individual in this room is a deity except for you annabeth and i." Percy just turned his head to the unoccupied part of the room.

He turned to look at Chiron and looked at him intently." I want to see the person that is supposed to help me." " Percy like I said before he isn't aiding us anymore." " Yeah exactly but if he hears me out he might help I mean I am the one in need of help so he might feel sympathetic enough to help when I talk to him."
Hecate looked at the boy infront of her." Zelus might not be willing to help find the bolt but he might be willing to help him save his mother. Alright young ones go and have your rest we set out tomorrow."

"Granny I am not helping them, how can you travel to another dimension just to find aid in something that can be easily avoided through peace talks. Okay assuming that they hate each other as much as the people of this world, do they not have people to train the bloody boy?" an enraged Naruto asked standing in front of his clan elder Mito Uzumaki in a room filled with guests.

His training had been interrupted by a clansman that afternoon for a meeting and it turned out to be the people from before only with extra people." I will smack that mouth of yours if you don't show these guests any sort of respect boy, I wont have a family member being rude to others." Mito's hands were raised slightly and if not for self control Naruto would have had his head through the wall. The boy just grumbled and excused himself from the room. Standing up she bowed in apology. "I am going to teach that boy a lesson. please follow me" She escorted them to the hokage's office and had Percy explain to the village leader.

"This is quite interesting indeed. We can offer to train you if you don't mind but to make the most out of this situation, I would like some of you to become soldiers of this village and to better the relationship between the leaf village and the Uzumaki family because you are their guests not forgetting that we are also forming an alliance with your world. Since Naruto is a member of this village and one of its soldiers and an Uzumaki it should be best to allow Naruto and two more to join in going to your world and learning about it just as we teach you about ours.

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