4 : Oh, My Beloved

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I wouldn't talk much. But would just lead and accompany you through the poetry.

Read & Enjoy!


In the wash of the darkness,

Where illuminates a single beam of light,

Your visage appears to be the Sun,

So radiant,so bright!

Shall I call you a new day,

With hopes to start afresh?

Or shall I call you a distant songbird,

With pure melody, without blemish?

When filled with anger,

Your eyes become the balls of fire.

Reflecting truth and purity,

Wearing the most gorgeous attire.

Shall I call you an angel,

For you are as pure as purity?

Or shall I call you a saint,

For you are unknowingly propagating sanctity?

You are loved and deeply cherished,

My heart is fidgety, it somehow flew.

Earlier it used to dwell in me,

Now, it dwells in you!


My Lovely Readers,

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