6 : The Eternal Love Of Souls

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Pure love is not a matter of bodies. It is a matter of souls. Two souls, so indulged in love, that from two they become one. Eternally!


 Barefoot running on the ground,

As soon as she heard the flute of her beloved,

Souls swinging,

Hair swirling,

Heart thumping so hard,

She felt like, it may just come out.

The world seemed mere,

When she heard the verses of his flute song.

Tears of joy, rolling down her cheeks,

As she  ran with all her might,

Calling out loud, his name.


At the gate, she found no one.

Stunned and shocked,

She fell to the ground.

The unsaid words of her beloved song from her beloved,

Still ringing in her head,

Overwhelmed feelings penetrated her bosom.

To handle, to tackle,

To comfort, to console,

She hugged herself,

And, found him there. 


My Dear Lovely Readers,

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