Ch.5: More than meets the eye...?

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(BGM: Hyperdimension Neptunia Nep waltz)

The sun shone through Plutia's curtains making her stir
She opened her eyes and yawned
She went to stretch but then
Her eyes opened wide
[😩]💙: ...gross! I'm all sweaty

She got out of bed and wiped her forehead

Warm and greasy
Her face disgruntled as she left her room in favor of the bathroom
She noticed as she was undressing, the basilicom felt like a lava zone

She quickly turned the shower🚿on favoring the cold
It worked some however, the heat came rushing back once she felt cooled

"Why is it" she whined


Kas, who was wearing a black collard button down shirt with the right sleeve styled in a black and white checkered pattern with a red trim between the checkered paths. The sleeve also mimicked a short sleeve. His left sleeve black & long enough to rest on his wrist. black pants with black buckles around his thigh to his calf. Along with black boots that folded showing a red and black checkered pattern. He wore loose gold bracelets on his right wrist. He wore a belt chain composed of gemstones of different colors and shapes and sizes.

He was sitting on the couch humming while he played with a black phone. He had came upstairs to a busy Histoire who shortly left afterwards for businessand Plutia who was-

Ah speak of the goddess, and she shall appear

He watched her scuffle to the fridge, quickly getting a bottle of water and chug it

"Yo, how ya feelin to-" his sentence dying seeing her chug down another water

The water dribbled down both sides of her chin. She would take gulps of air and go right back to drinking

His brows furled at her behavior
"C'mere real quick" he called from the couch, and soon turned back to the front to meet a waiting pair of magenta orbs

("Her speed....")he thought

"Not that close..."he put a finger to her forehead and pushed back slightly. Her eyes closed almost like she was relieved
her small and slender hands took his and put it against her face

Her cheeks flushed at the touch of his hands "Hmmmmmh" she looked content as she hummed

He blinked once, twice, and then three times
"what're you doing?" he ripped his hand away

Her face looked shocked as she looked at his hands. Her eyes being shielded by her hair as she started trembling
The male's eyebrow lifted as he gazed

".....Give it back"
Plutia grabbed his hand

He kept pulling away and she kept pulling it back
And soon enough-
(BGM change. Fairy fencer: Chiptune)

<Thrashing noises>💢💢💢💢💢💢
Plutia was on top of Kas wrestling him for his own hand
"What. The. Fuck!" he grimaced as Plutia was showing considerable strength against him

<Trying to hold back Plutia>K: Get off!!
<Trying to grab Kas's hand>P: But I'm so hot! I need to cool down

[Inquisitive face]K: and what? My hand helped that?
<nodding In chibi form>P: Uh huh

He stopped for a moment, thinking
"Don't move" she blinked but comply with the odd request
"Hyaaa!"He grabbed her face suddenly making her yelp

"..hmm....!"he waited for a reaction and saw his energy form from his fingers and be absorbed into her"I see now" he got up after moving her
"You've been receiving small amounts of my energy through our contract but it seems it's not eno-"he stopped short seeing she wasn't paying attention as she was trying to cool down by fanning herself

He, who had everything 🌎🤴🏽 👑 : Hyperdimension NeptuniaWhere stories live. Discover now