Ch.6: Another one! Come on!

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The robots started rushing towards them forcing them to take stances

"Of course we have to fight" Neptune grimaced
Her and Noire sliced through the incoming bots

The girl in green watched, she whistled impressed as her odd pupils rotated 

"Well well well" she gave a toothy grin. She opened her palm as a small green orb came into existence, she blew on it lightly and it broke down like ash blowing in the wind

Neptune and Noire finally done with the small platoon, panted out of breath. Yet they stood again with their swords raise

However they didn't notice the embers that started linking together the scraps of the fallen platoon

"...Kill..." A deep robotic voice shook the vicinity

💜&🖤 turned around, their eyes turning into plates

The metal monstrosity that was created stood 10 feet tall easily towering over both of them
It's hand coming out to smash them before they could react

"GET DOWN" Recognizing the voice, Neptune tackled Noire to the ground as a large wheel of black and red energy sliced the robot in half

At that time did the greenette choose to come out "huh?! Still ain't dea-" her breathe caught as she looked at the person raising from a crouch position

"you alright..?" Neptune nodded at Kas with a smile

The greenette's pupils rotated wildly
In contrast his eyes turned into a glare once he looked at her

"..Emerald.."his voice held hostility as he spoke low

Emerald, as she was dubbed looked about ready to burst



In a blur, Kas and Emerald were gone from their spots. The only evidence proving they didn't just disappear into thin air was the smoke & cracks emanating from a wall

"Kas!" waiting for the smoke to clear, however what they saw was completely beyond their imagination

"Hehe" she was cuddling him...
She rubbed her cheek against his as he laid there with a pissed off face

"It's really Chimmy!"

"Ummm"Neptune and Noire both stood there with confused expressions

"Ahhh I missed this feeling hehehehehe" she was drooling as she basically fondled him while sniffing him

Tick marks formed excessively on kas's head

"Hup!" she back flipped off dodging a jet black knife 🔪

"Oh~you wanna play rough?" She smiled back.

He rushed her trying to slash her, she was flexible to outmaneuver him within their close combat 

She snapped her fingers after planting a hand on his head to jump over him and the sliced metal monstrosity form changed into two large tonfas that latched around her wrist with two flames sputtering out the sides

He ran at her again


She blocked his knife. His teeth gnashed as he put more power in, pushing her. Her smile widened as she outstretch her other tonfa transforming it into a mouth

He quickly summoned another knife, smaller than the other one. And throw it at the hand.

"Heh" the mouth stretched and bit down chewing the knife "GOTCHA" the flames on the side of it flared

He, who had everything 🌎🤴🏽 👑 : Hyperdimension NeptuniaWhere stories live. Discover now