Chapter 3: All Hail The Crown Prince

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     The room, myself included, was shocked at such a phrase. Me, the crown prince? A title was given to the Prince expected to inherit the throne? While not unheard of, it was still quite rare for the firstborn not to take the title. Slowly, I rose from my chair, Gilbert obviously in deep shock at the mere mention of my name. I knew I needed to make a speech, now was not the time to be in awe-struck at my father's words.
  "Thank you, father, for a shock tonight. However, this night is not about The Southern Sun Kingdom. It is about our alliance and every kingdom in this room. Exactly 100 years ago, 30 of the world's strongest kingdoms united to fight a common enemy -one we defeated. Though our number has shrunk to a mere total of 10, in 100 years we have yet to ever break such a promise. Despite what each of us has suffered, we 10 have kept our words to stay at peace and to help the other when necessary. Now, 100 years later after that original promise, we sit together to eat, dance, and freely speak as if we were all family. As tired as we may be of the other, we have honored such an agreement. As crown prince, I make the first promise to uphold the treaty. May our lands be one where any king may lay down their sword discuss their problems in a solution for peace. My second promise is to always come when each kingdom needs us the most. May I help carry your burdens to uplift you. Because if we 10 cannot stand with each other, then we are doomed to fall." I stated, raising my glass towards the kings. Many of the others join me as to point their glasses at the King's -a way to remind them that we stand beside them. All, except for Gilbert.

     "A fine speech, figlio del leone (son of the lion), if no other king has an objection, I would like to go next after such an inspiring speech." King Romulus announced. I nodded and sat in my seat. King Romulus is known as the "The Duel King" for many reasons. However, where he got that is how he made the Sea Kingdom the epicenter of the world's greatest soldiers and the world's greatest artists. He himself has created masterpieces of art while painting it with the blood of his enemies. He expanded his Kingdom to the point where it became one of the largest in the world. King Romulus also has many legends, ballads, lovers detailing his legendary feats. The man himself was a legend to be inspired by.
  "It is clear that each of us has our favorites in the room. Some of us have enemies that we can maintain peace with so long as the other doesn't fire first. I take pride in knowing I have grown up with you all by my side and that we all became kings and queen within the same year. Now, our children will soon take on our legacy. Each of us made such large shoes to fill, so these kids have plenty to fill. Yet, let us set an example for them by upholding this alliance so that they don't kill each other in our names. Let us be their guiding light and example to follow. Because, when each of us has passed from this room, our legacies and examples will be all that's left of our names." King Romulus spoke. All those who weren't kings raised a glass to them, showing respect. All except Gilbert, who simply gave me a seething glare.

     "If examples need to be set, then please remember, King Romulus, that Queens go before the King." Queen Iryna (Ukraine) jested with a joking smile. King Romulus laughed at her comment before sitting down, allowing her to stand and make a speech. Queen Iryna, or The Snow Queen, was the only one who is currently Queen in the room. Many believe it was her pastel look that got her that nickname. However, those people forget that the snow is just as unforgiving as she. Queen Iryna rules a harsh environment -one that is almost impossible to live in- with an iron boot, not a fist. Her way or an early grave. Yet, she looks and sounds more like the light-heartedness of snow. Her blue eyes often reminded people of ice-skating. She looks innocent, but if her siblings are anything to go by: she is the most deadly of them all.
  "It is true, our children will uphold our alliances, ideals, and keep the land's peace. So, as Kings, I ask each of you, now is the time to let your children show what they can do. Let them earn that title we have bestowed on each of them. If not for their sake, for the sake of this alliance and Kingdom. It is time each of them forges a way to marriages, alliances, and their own glory. After all, each of us was given a nickname that suited our legacy after we were crowned. We need to ensure we haven't babied any of our children to destroy the legacy of names. Us leaving our positions is Inevitable. However, we now look to our children to clear such a path forward." She concluded.

     King Yao stated his speech would just be a waste of time as Queen Iryna took the words from him. So, it went to King Arthur the XIX: The Chosen Savior King. Unlike everyone else, he was actually a knight blessed by an angel to overthrow the King of the Highlands. That King was a tyrannical monster. That's how King Arthur got his name. He's the 19th person in his family to obtain the name, Arthur Theodor Kirkland. Yet, how he leads makes him appear like he's been royalty his whole life. When, in actuality, he was born a peasant farmhand -orphaned by age 6. His speech was more directed at the heirs and sounded similar to Queen Iryna. 

     King Mathias (Denmark) and King Berwald (Sweden) chose to skip as well, for different reasons. King Mathias, known as The King Of Many Winters, was an egotistical male that conquered that 100 storms -a storm that raged for 100 days- in his first year of Kinghood. King Berwald, meanwhile, is the Stone King. He is expressionless and rarely talked. They say the mountains speak to him, thus he must always be silent to hear their words. Though, the truth is, he was injured as a child which caused him to never speak.

     King Francis, the Lover King, went on about how an alliance is like a union of true love -fleeting but precious. His speech bored the most people. The nickname he was chosen was because of the number of lovers he had. After his true love died tragically, he married and loved many people. The number is so high some often call him "The King of Heartbreaks".

     King Sadık Adnan (Turkey), The King of Sands, opted not to speak in favor of not hearing more speeches than needed. He gained the name after many witnessed a miracle feat: Adnan's songs soothing a sandstorm that threatened to destroy his entire kingdom. It was also why his father choose to make him King. He is also the father of Prince Gupta Muhammad Hassan, the Prince whose son recently died due to an assassination. 

     King Abel (Netherlands), the King of Flowers, rarely spoke. His nicknamed after a famous battle in a field of flowers. He used every flower there to his advantage to create a massacre. Poppies suddenly because a topic was discussed across every kingdom around the same time. King Abel is said to be cursed by a jealous former lover to never speak a word unless it was to her. However, before Abel was cursed, many say he had such a beautiful singing voice!

     The night dragged on, many celebrated and congratulated me on earning the title of Crown Prince. I knew that I had to continue working hard, otherwise it could be snatched from me. After all, the only one to not congratulate me was Gilbert himself.

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