Chapter 2: Kings of Higher Powers

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     Escaping Prince Alfred, I head to get some wine. However, I accidentally bumped into one of the guests. Before she could fall, I quickly grabbed her wrists and pulled her to my chest. She squeaked as she grabbed my shirt. I gulped upon realizing who it was.
  "Princess Adéla (Czechia). Forgive me, I should have been more careful." I apologized. Fear shot down my spine at the implication Grand Duke Ivan (Russia) could have watched the display. Even if Princess Adéla was his niece, she was still related to the punishing male. Her large lilac eyes looked up at me as a soft blush colored her cheeks.
  "N-No, it's my fault, your highness! Prince (Y/n), you have nothing to apologize for! In fact, I should thank you for sparing me from the cold floor." Princess Adéla stumbled over her words. It was no secret to me what Adéla thinks. Her many, many, many letters she has sent me have conveyed the idea. However, as I have told my father, I'm not going to marry the crown princess of the Snow Bear Kingdom. She has plenty of suitors trying to kill each other just for a single glance from her, and I don't feel like adding myself to a hit-list anytime soon. 
  "It is still my fault for being the one to trip you. How can I possibly make it up to you?" I ask, knowing I have to please her in some way.
  "You have already crafted a wonderful party, put my favorite dish on the menu, and even took the time to handwrite my invention with a personal touch. I cannot possibly ask for more!" She stood up, forcing her brown hair to slightly bounce.
  "If you say. Now, please excuse me. I'm quite parched." I smiled and walked away.


     As I take a glass of wine, King Yao (China) slid next to me. I gave him a warm smile as he stood next to me.
  "Your highness, you honor me with your presence." I carefully bowed.
  "And you must be the Silver-Tongued Fox that had arranged the party." He quickly dismissed me.
  "Forgive me if this party is not to your liking." I slowly stood up.
  "No, the party is great. Good use of colors, no flag represented more than twice, foods from every country, music is excellent, and everyone managed to relax. Excellent job." He hummed.
  "But?" I knew there was a catch.
  "I don't like how quickly you've risen to power in your own kingdom. From Second Prince to Favored Heir." He calmly replied.
  "Ah, well. King Yao, forgive me for saying, but you've met Prince Gilbert. He's quite absent with nobilities and in court. Even now, he's only hanging around the same 3 people rather than mingle with those he will soon be on equal footing with. Any ambitious person could pass such a man. You did for your family -Rising Pheonix King." I reminded. King Yao smirked at the very thought. King Yao was the youngest of 9 children. He assassinated some of his siblings, and those that lived were unable to charm the court as easily as King Yao did. In the end, of 3 possible heirs, Yao was chosen. He was nicknamed "The Rising Pheonix King" for his tactics. Now, he has 10 children himself, with one making their own Kingdom. None of his children are currently favored to be heirs.
  "I do see your point. Forgive my attitude, young Prince. You have now gained my intrigue. I might enjoy seeing you rise to power if it reminds me of my days. Now, excuse me. I have others to talk to." He smirked. I bowed as he left my presence.


   Father and Gilbert argued right before the dinner. This caused Father to come to me with a deep scowl.
  "Is something that matters father? Did I do something wrong?" I worriedly asked. He pinched his temple in anger.
  "No, my son. It's Gilbert: he's drunk and doesn't have the honor speech prepared. Apparently, he said he asked you to write it when I assigned it to him." Father glared at the ground.
  "H-He did? Oh god, it must've been when I was ordering the drapes. Forgive me, I'll excuse myself and quickly write one for him." I feigned worry. Of course, Gilbert would've said something such as this. He couldn't write a simple Thank You if he was threatened.
  "No, don't write one for him. I need you to do the speech. I know I'm relying on you to keep the peace for everyone, but I would be a fool if I didn't say you did an amazing job. So, please, do this last favor for me?" He placed both of his hands on my shoulders.
  "I promise father. Just tell me when I need to speak." I smiled.
  "You'll know, you'll know. Now, go and enjoy the party before dinner. Just remember, prepare before dinner for a speech." He smirked. I nodded, pride swelling up inside me. He bowed and walked back towards King Romulus (Roman Empire), likely talking about their kindred friendship.


     The Kings sat at the head of the table, nearest to my father. After the Kings, it was Princes and Princesses, then Grand Dukes and Grand Dutchesses, then the normal Dukes and Dutchesses. The Marquis and Marquises, Counts and Countesses, Viscounts and Viscountesses, Barons and Baronesses sat at separate tables by rank and Kingdom. Each had a particular meal in front of them -designated by their own country as per request of each King. Everything was perfect.

      My father rose, carefully clinging his golden goblet to gather the attention of every noble in the room. Every single noble from the Highland Seas to the Eastern Blockade, from the Fridged North to the Heated South, looking at my father. If you didn't know he was ill, you would've believed he stood with a demeanor that fit the title of "Lion's Claw King Baltasar (Germania)"; even if you did it still fit. My father was gifted the name after killing a Lion to win the favor of -at the time- arranged Betrothed. A ring made from that very claw was what mother wore on her left ring finger until the day she passed. If you are ignorant to the tale, many believe it is because my father's golden hair was that of a lion's mane and his claws are just as strong as a lion's. Whichever you believe, there was no doubt you would agree with the title gifted to my father just by looking at him.
  "It is a tradition that the host of these events must give the first speech. However, in my waning health, I have decided to allow one of my sons to take over for me." He started once the room quieted down. Gilbert seemed smug in his semi-drunk stooper. However, my father never once spared Gilbert a glance.

"So, please rise, Crown Prince of the Southern Sun Kingdom, Prince (Y/n)."

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