Chapter 1: A Winter's Ball

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     "Tch, I can never understand Father and his idea of throwing such trivial things" Gilbert adjusted his Prussian blue cape.
  "You'll never understand if you don't pay attention to the meetings. Have you even bothered to read the guest list?" I rolled my eyes and adjusted my dark purple shirt.
  "I'm too awesome to read that boring list. It's too long!" Gilbert responded.
  "Then this is going to be a shit show" Ludwig grumbled as he pulled up his dark green trousers.
  "Gilbert! This is an important ball! This celebrates the 100-year long pact between our allying Kingdoms! The basic knowledge of WHO is attending is more important than the why. One slip-up, and we'll be warring against 9 different kingdoms" I scolded and put on my fancy dark purple coat, which matched in style to my shirt.
  "No one cares. Besides, with my awesome tactics, we'd win!" Gilbert laughed. Ludwig groaned and hooked his head.

     "No, we wouldn't. Not only would it be taxing our manpower and ability to trade between kingdoms. You'd be missing key information on why we're battling because you decided Dutchess Elizabeta's underskirt was more important than the meeting! If you had paid attention, Prince Gupta Muhammad Hassan's (Egypt) son was killed on our shared border with the Rose Kingdom and the Snow Bear Kingdom! Tensions are high and no one can get a word out without some assassin killing the messenger. Never mind the fact, your Friend, King Francis Bonnefoy (France), is trying to start a war with King Arthur Kirkland the XIX (England) even though King Francis has a peace treaty with Prince Antonio Fernández Carriedo (Spain) -who is betrothed to King Arthur!" I scolded. Gilbert and Ludwig both looked at me, listless.
  "You take this... Way too seriously... It's just a ball..." Gilbert stated.
  "A ball? Just a ball?! We are on the precipitous of all-out war from a single insult! And you think this is just a ball?!" I exploded.
  "Um, I hate to take Gilbert's side, but you need a hobby... Maybe after the ball, you find something to relax you... I think button collecting would suit you" Ludwig stated.
  "My job, as the second prince, is to handle the diplomacy and matters of state: both foreign and domestic. If I don't take my job seriously, then we'd look worse than King Arthur's sons." I reminded them before leaving the room. 


     The small details are what make a party grand. The food, the music, the staff serving, the decorations, and even what colors you place are all important details. If so one of these things is out of place, may God help your soul. My entire life, being raised to be a diplomate, has been centered around such very concepts as well as tuning my ear to gossip. For example, Prince Alfred F. Jones (America) is allergic to anything with peanuts; if one dish contains peanuts, King Arthur would personally demand the head of the chef of said dish and fool who gave such an order. Not a single dish tonight would dare contain the nut. Such small details could only be noticed by someone keeping an ear in court.

     While my brothers had no talent for schmoozing with people, I had to take extra care while helping Father design the whole ball: from the menu to staff to decorations to placement to music. Father often relied on me for such details since my mother's passing and my gift was discovered. While to some it seemed mundane and useless tasks, these small things keep me as favored for taking the throne.

     "Dear, dear Trisha. If we put the seafood next to the steak, we'll insult our own kingdom as well as all the coastal kingdoms. The real meat and seafood must be on opposite sides of the table to ensure no religions are being broken" I reminded one of the maids. Last-minute preparations were always the hardest. Especially when Gilbert decided he wanted to add some flair of his own.
  "No, Gilbert, this isn't a ball to show military prowess. This ball is about the alliance and the benefits our kingdoms have reaped from it. We will not have suits of armor in the ballroom." I groaned.
  "But they would look so awesome!" Gilbert whined.
  "The Sand Fire Kingdom are pacifists. Showing suits of armor in a peace ball would insult them and provoke our trade agreement and what fragile peace we have with them. Xavier, please make sure all the instruments are tuned BEFORE the guests arrive. I don't want another incident like Gilbert's birthday to happen again." I switched my focus from person to person, reminding each of their duties.
  "Gilbert, did you, Ludwig, and Captain Fredrick finish guard rotation for during the ball?" I quickly remembered.
  "Ja, ja, ja (Yes, Yes, Yes). We did." Gilbert waved me off, likely to get back at me refusing the whole suit of armor thing.


     As soon as the sunset over the meadowy hills, the guest we welcomed in. Each is called by name, rank, and where they hail. Some came in groups, some in pairs, while few came single file -likely the outcasts of the royal families. Each I personally greeted once they were comfortable in the ballroom. A tiring task, but one that is to be expected by an ill king's sons. Ludwig, who is much more awkward than I, tried to stay by my side as I greeted each guest. Gilbert, well, only God knows where that male goes.

     "Prince Matthew (Canada), how rare it is to see you at events such as these. Enjoying your evening?" I greeted warmly to the shy Prince of the Rose Kingdom. Matthew and Alfred are twins born between the joining of King Francis and King Arthur's union -which broke after it was revealed that Francis was sleeping with a scullery maid. Arthur tried to make a clean break and only take one of their sons, while Francis was not too happy with the divorce. Poor Matthew was forced into the shadows of his brother and fathers' achievements.
  "Oh! Prince (Y/n), the party is wonderful! But, if I remember correctly, you always had a way to make a guest feel welcomed. How have you been?" Prince Matthew smiled.
  "I've been kept very busy. Have you met Ludwig, my brother?" I politely smiled.
  "It's an h-honor to meet you, Prince Matthew" Ludwig blushingly bowed. His stutter did not go unnoticed by me and Matthew.
  "Charmed, I'm sure. Having trouble keeping up with Prince (Y/n)?" He softly chuckled.
  "Forgive me, talking is not my area of expertise." Ludwig stood up, blushing even harder than before.
  "At least you have Prince (Y/n). Follow him for a night and you'll surely attract the good side of every King from here to the Highland seas." Matthew confidant.

     "YO! (Y/n)! I haven't seen you in ages, bruh! Where have you been?!" Prince Alfred shouted as he made his way towards us. Many royals seemed disgusted by Alfred, and others were affected by his loud and commanding voice.
  "I can tell where this is going. Excuse me Prince (Y/n), Prince Ludwig. I shall take my leave before my twin arrives." Matthew bowed and hurried off.
  "Prince Alfred, there's no need to shout. I was going to greet you after I talked with Prince Matthew." I carefully scolded. I didn't want to come off as harsh, but I needed to reprimand him or I'd risk my image. So, I needed slightly playful yet serious.
  "Sorry, dude. But, you don't have to be so formal with us. You're equal to every Prince in this room. You don't have to be subservient to each pompous peasant that bears a half-made-up title." Alfred chuckled.
  "That, my dear Prince Alfred, is how you lose the respect of other nobles quickly. And to answer your earlier question, I have been busy and unable to send letters. For that, I apologize. How have you been? The party to your liking?" I asked.
  "Why bother asking about the party? You're the only person I would ever visit just for a party! I've been great! Though, it's weird my dad's getting married for like the 7th time. Eight if we count the marriage before him and my dad. But, other than that, I've been great" He grinned.
  "You remember my brother, Prince Ludwig, correct?" I hummed.
  "Of course! It's great to see you all grown-out-of-shell!" Alfred shook my brother's hand rapidly. Ludwig seemed to look dizzy after such a harsh handshake from the excitable prince.
  "If you would excuse me, Prince Alfred, I'm going to get a drink. Would you like me to bring you anything?" I smiled, trying to keep my eyes from rolling.

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