Chapter 19

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Max and Maverick keep me laughing for most of the night brightening up my otherwise dreary week. Finally, Kori comes back and sits with us.
“Ah, the mountain troll returns,” Max announces.
Maverick shifts on the bench beside me and moments later Max cries out in pain.
“What was that for?!” he shouts.
“Nice move, big brother,” Kori smirks. Max pulls his feet up onto the bench and grabs a roll from his plate. He takes a big bite out of it, glaring at his siblings.
“Threatening,” I tease. Kori meets my eyes, surprised as if she’d forgotten I was here. She gives me a small nod of approval before turning back to her food. Once I finish eating, someone comes up behind me from the shadows. A long hood covers most of his face.
“Come with me,” a familiar voice demands. Maverick turns to see him.
“Ishtar, brother. I didn’t realize you made a habit of coming to festivals?”
Ishtar looks out from under the hood.
“I do not. I bring a message for the girl.”
I take a deep breath and stand up. Ishtar starts moving away from the banquet tables and I cast Maverick a worried glance. He shrugs and turns back to the meal.
I wander away from the noise and into the darker parts of the hall. A few people mill around but none that give me any reassurance. They could be Ishtar’s men for all I know.
“And here I thought it would be hard to pry you away,” he growls from right beside me. I jump away. How the heck had he gotten there so quickly?
“Relax. Anyone would be foolish to do anything to you. Not when Thorgar is so fascinated with his new prize,” Ishtar speaks.
“Fascinated would be an overstatement. He’s already offered to take me home.”
“Why would someone this side of Valhalla take that offer?” He growls, getting uncomfortably close. I step back.
“You said you had a message?”
“Yes, well more of a report actually but it will come at a price.”
I shake my head. “I have nothing to offer you.”
“Ah, but you do. You see, I will tell you what I know of your father’s ships if you spare Thorgar the details of what happened on the trade island,” Ishtar barters.
“Done,” I say immediately. “Is my father coming for me?”
“He sailed away from Antrapar from the trade islands. My scouts tell me he was destined for Havredal.”
“Maybe he just doesn’t know the way to Antrapar?”
Ishtar chuckles. “Ignorant child, Tarben has spent nearly the past two decades trying to stay away from this place. He isn’t coming for you,” Ishtar growls. “Remember our deal, or our next meeting won’t be on such friendly terms.”
Ishtar starts walking away but stops.
“Word of advice, stay in Antrapar,” Ishtar calls back to me.
I return back to the banquet and sit next to Maverick.
“Everything ok?” he asks.
I bite my lip.
“Can I trust Ishtar?” I ask.
Kori listens in on our conversation intently.
“He gains nothing in his business from being dishonest,” Maverick responds.
“Ishtar will tell you the truth if you pay him. Especially since you’re so close to Thorgar,” Max adds in.
“What did he tell you?” Kori asks.
“Something about Havredal,” I say quietly. I stand up from the table. “I should probably get going. Who know’s what Eesa will have me doing tomorrow,” I joke.
“See you tomorrow,” Maverick grins.
I cock my head and try to figure out what he had meant.
“Meals,” Max laughs. “Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The most magical things that happen in Antrapar.”
“We all eat in this hall,” Maverick explains.
“Oh, ok. Well, see you tomorrow then.”
I head back in the direction of the room I’d slept in earlier. Footsteps pound on the ground behind me and Kori matches her step with my own.
“Please, Kori, I don’t feel like doing this right now,” I complain.
“Relax, I’m not here to fight.”
“Then why are you following me?”
“I want to know what Ishtar told you.”
“I already told you. It was something about Havredal,” I say more than a little annoyed by her prodding.
“Do you really expect me to believe that?” Kori crosses her arms.
“I don’t know what to expect with you anymore,” I spit.
“Just tell me what he said,” she presses. Kori takes my arm and makes me stop.
“Why should I? You’ve done nothing but make my life miserable since the second Ishtar brought me here.”
“You’ve been doing the same for me long before we met,” Kori hisses.
“Tell me why and I’ll tell you what Ishtar’s message was.”
Kori weighs the deal for a minute and finally nods.
“He told me that my father left for Havredal. Tarben isn’t coming to get me.”
“Coward,” Kori mutters. I start to protest but stop before the words come out. He is a coward. Tarben’s fear of Thorgar outweighs his love for me.
“Why is he so scared of Thorgar?” I wonder.
“Some things aren’t for us to know. What are you gonna do?”
I shake my head. “What I can do, stay here.”
“My attempts to scare you away failed that badly?”
“You aren’t scary,” I flash her a smug look. “Rude, maybe, but not scary.”
“Love you too, cousin,” Kori elbows me in the side. She turns back to the festival and starts down the street.
“Wait, you never told me why you hate me?!” I call after her. Kori continues walking.
“I don’t hate you. Don’t particularly like you, but not hate. You don’t hate family.”

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