Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Sam walks me through the doors of the arena, I instantly feel the cold hit my skin, making me shiver. The whole time we are walking to our seats I can feel the stares from people, then I remember Sam is wearing a Washington jersey. We get to our seats which are surprisingly super close to the ice. The arena wasn't entirely full yet, people were still getting their beers and nachos.

"Great, we sit next to these fucks. I can already smell the liquor on them." Sam says as he plops down to his seat. I turn to look at the hideous men sitting behind us. One of them has ranch on his cheek and doesn't seem to notice. Gross. 

"Well we are here for the game, not some drunk fucks behind us" I mock him.

"MS.MILLER! Watch your mouth!" He winks and puts his index finger on my lips. My breathing gets heavy and he realizes and pulls his finger away and licks his lips. I'm in trouble.

"I'm going to get something to drink, want anything?"

"Lemonade? Please" I smile.

He comes back with a root beer and a lemonade. The game finally begins to start and the crowd is extremely loud. I cover my ears and start to laugh. Sam laughs with me and puts his hands on top of mine.

Within 15 minutes of the game starting, a fight breaks out. Sam and I start cheering for the opposite teams when I hear the guys behind us start arguing. They are completely drunk. Sam is focused on the fight on the ice , while i'm focused on the fight going on behind me. I turn around to find one of the guys standing up to get into the other guys face.

"Oh yeah bro? Fuck off!" The other guy stands up and slaps the guys beer out of his hand, next thing I know I am drenched in Bud Light. Same turns around and grabs my shoulders. All of a sudden, Sam is up with the guys punching them and yelling at them. Hearing is yell over the cheering of the crowd, is terrifying yet.. beautiful. I wipe my face off with what is left of my dry jersey and hop up behind Sam to pull him off.

"Sam! Stop!" One of the drunks pushes me and I fall down two rows of seats. I look up to see a little boy, his eyes huge from this random girl falling in front of him.

"Ma'am! Are you okay?!" I ignore the kind man from helping me up and try to run to Sam and the guys when I see security pull them apart and start taking Sam outside the arena.

I meet Sam outside to hear the security guard say he is banned. After getting yelled at like a 13 year old, he looks at me like I'm going to yell at him but instead I laugh. I laugh so hard I start to cry. We walk over to each other and he hugs me and starts to laugh.

"Oh my god, you smell like ranch and Bud Light." I choke and laugh harder. He smells his jersey and gags, causing him to laugh so hard. I can't help but feel mesmerized at his face when he laughs. The way his eyes squeeze shut, his head thrown back,mouth wide open, with his cute little nose squished up.

He stops laughing, looks at me and smiles.

"Rydel.." He says with his slow raspy voice. Sam puts his forehead to mine and closes his eyes. My heart feels like its sinking to my stomach. I close my eyes and say, "Sam?". Suddenly, he grabs my face and kisses me, hard. The kiss is so hard he pushes me to the wall of the arena. I feel his teeth graze my bottom lip, making my body ease against the wall. The kiss is so intense, so passionate, so soft. He pulls from the kiss and looks at my eyes.

"I'm sorry... you just smell like beer so bad." He shakes his head and giggles.

"At least my smell isn't mixed with ranch."

* * * *

Once we get back to my apartment, I told Sam he could take a shower while I wash our clothes. He takes off his beer and ranch covered jersey, exposing all of his tattoos on his chest and stomach. They fit so perfectly along his body. He walks up to me handing me his jersey and kisses me on the cheek and whispers Thank you sweetheart. I shiver and smile. I hear him start the shower and step in, I run to the washer and throw our clothes in, leaving me in only my bra and underwear. I sit in front of the washer just watching our clothes spin and spin, thinking of Sam's lips. I close my eyes and lean against the wall. Until I hear a cough and my eyes fly open.

"Oh shit! Sam! Get out!" I yell as I grab a towel from the dryer to cover my body. He walks closer. The closer he gets I realized he is only in his towel. He puts me against the wall again and slowly takes the towel away from my body.

"There is no need to hide that. My God... you are beautiful." His raspy voice makes me melt. He leans in and starts to kiss my neck, next thing I know he is picking me up and leading me to the bathroom. He reaches around my back and unstraps my bra with ease. I can feel him smile against my neck, I tangle my fingers in his long brown curls and pull. He moans and pulls down my underwear.

"Get in the shower. Now." He breathes. I jump into the shower and hold my breath as the hot water flows down my back. I let out a satisfied sigh when I feel Sam's hands on my hips. Wiping the water from my face I look into his eyes and get lost into his green eyes. He pulls me against him and beings to kiss me. His tongue warm against my lips. Sam likes to take control, I've learned this in the matter of a few hours. He moves his hands up to my head and takes his strong manly hands and pulls. I wrap my arms around his broad shoulders and pull him closer, kissing him harder. I feel him jump as we hit chest to chest.

"Ry.... I can't" He tries to push away but I pull him back.

"Rydel. I can't." He jumps out of the shower and closes the bathroom door. Do I go after him? What the hell did I do? By the time I get out of the shower he has his now clothes on and is heading out the door.

"Sam, what the he-"

"Ry, not right now okay? I'm sorry I will explain later." He puts his face to his phone and walks out of my apartment.

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