Chapter 2

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Please let me know what you guys think so far! Anything I need to improve on? Any suggestions for the story? I'm open! :)

Chapter 2:

Evan keeps shaking his head. I can't tell if he's upset that I agreed to go to the hockey game with Sam or he's trying to kick that God awful hangover. Why did I agree to that? I think I was a little too drunk.

"What?" Evan snaps. My eyes widen, I didn't realize I was still staring at him.

"I have never seen you so on edge while hungover. What's your problem?" I snap back.

"Don't fucking worry about it.." Evan grabs his coat and walks out of my apartment, slamming the door behind him. What the hell? My head suddenly gets fuzzy and I shake my head to try and get rid of that feeling.

I lay flat on my back on my kitchen floor and stare at the ceiling. The tile is cold against my skin, making me finally relax. After the night I had, I definitely need to relax.

I wake up to the sound of yelling at my front door. I check the clock on my wall 7am. I've only slept for thirty minutes?! I run to the door and Evan falls to the floor and all I see is red. Dark almost black red..... blood.

"Evan! What... what the hell happened?!" He can't even speak without spitting up blood. My face is burning from the confusion and stress. Suddenly, I hear a man yelling downstairs from outside.

"I will kill you man! Just wait!" I see the shine of a knife as the man tucks it back into his jeans. I look back to Evan, who is now sprawled out on my blood stained entry way. I slam the door and drag Evan into the kitchen so I can call the police. I hold his face in my hands,

"Evan please....please stay awake. Don't do this. What the... WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED? EVAN!"

                                      *                                                 *                                               *

"Miss? Miss, maybe you should go get some breakfast? You look a little pale.. and hungover." A nurse, wearing faded purple scrubs is shaking my shoulder. She has the the so called 'sparkle' in her light blue eyes, almost makes me forget what's going on.

"Huh? Wait... where's Evan?!" I stand up and immediately fall back into the lobby chair.

"He's in his room. You can visit him if you'd like."  I stand up and follow the kind nurse to Evan's room. When I walk in, I see him just staring out the window from his bed. From the white light in the room it is a lot easier to see his wounds. Four deep cuts stitched up around his face, his right arm covered in more than 13 stitches.No matter where I looked on his body, it was covered in stitches.

" You can stop staring at me." Evan snaps. 

"Sorry, I... No, you know what. I'm not sorry. What the hell were you doing? Who was that guy?" I yell. I didn't realized just how loud I was until the sweet "sparkle in her eye" nurses gave me the shush look. 

"Ry, don't worry about it. Why don't you go hang out with your new boyfriend Sam." 

"Sam isn't my boyfri- wait is that what this is about? SAM?!" I throw my hands up and roll my eyes. You've got to be kidding me. 

"Just because you have a giant crush on me doesn't mean you have to act out when I agree to go on a date with a different guy." Now I am really getting mad.

"You think I have a crush on you? HA!" He continues to laugh and my face goes red.  

"Rydel, I could never have even the slightest crush on a girl like you. Now leave, get out of my room." He turns his head back to the window, his face emotionless, almost like he meant everything he said. I turn to look at the nurse and she is just as stunned as I probably look. I run out of his room, tears gliding down my cheeks. As I'm running the nurse grabs my shirt and pulls me into a different hallway. 

"Miss Miller.. I don't know what your friend went through, but the cops are here. But I do have to tell you, while he was on his morphine he kept calling for you. Don't think he hates you. He wants you."

"You can call me Ry.. and yeah, we'll see." I rub my eyes not even caring about he dark black mascara turning me into a human raccoon.

"Well Ry, you can call me Sarah. Come by anytime if you need to talk ok? Take care." 

                        *                                                        *                                                *

It is now Wednesday. Four days after. I haven't spoken to Evan since the hospital incident. I don't even know where he is or how he is doing, or if the cops arrested him. What did the cops want with him? Knowing Evan, he probably said FUCK THE POLICE and got arrested. I laugh at the thought and shake my head. I'm going on a date. Is it a date? It's just a hockey game, we aren't going out to dinner. At least, I don't think we are. I get a text from Sam saying, I got you a jersey. Just wear jeans ;).

I let out a deep sigh. I can feel the butterflies fluttering away in my stomach, or I might have to throw up. I put on my favorite blue jeans along with a black tank top and throw on my favorite black and tan sandals. I know nothing about hockey but have always wanted to go to a game. Really, just to see a fight but I guess the sport is cool too. To most people, a hockey team from Arizona is kind of strange, even to me, an Arizonian, its weird. The Arizona Coyotes play the Washington Capitals tonight. What is Sam's favorite team? I guess I'll find out when he brings me the jersey. I don't want to look like I tried too hard to get ready, so I curl the ends of my hair, letting the loose curls fall down my back, and put on a light coat of foundation with some mascara and some eye shadow, making my green eyes pop. 

Just then I hear a knock at my door. I open it to find Sam holding a Coyotes jersey.

"Ah, so you're a hometown guy?" I smirk. 

"No actually, I'm from Washington. I just wanted you to root opposite." He winks, lowering the jersey to reveal his Washington Capitals jersey. He throws the jersey at me and tells me to change. I can feel his eyes scan up and down my body as I walk away to go change.

"Why are you changing in another room? I've seen you in a swimsuit. I think seeing you in a bra won't do much damage." He smirks. That damn smirk. I sigh and change where I stand. I see his eyes focus on not my chest but directly into my eyes. His eyes are green like mine, but a deeper green. A mesmerizing green. He smiles and I realize I'm still standing there just in my bra and jeans, and have yet to put on the jersey. I blush and say, "Oh, um, thanks for getting me this. You really didn't have to." I smile. 

"Well I can't bring a beautiful girl like you to a hockey game not wearing a jersey. That's just cruel. Now, hurry and get that on before I lose it." He says as he licks his lips and runs his fingers through his dark brown curls. He is beautiful, I am trash compared to him. 

We pull up to the hockey arena and instantly I am super nervous. Sam notices within seconds and takes my hand as I get out of the car. He looks into my eyes again then back down to my lips. I stop and lick mine, ugh I hope they aren't chapped. How unattractive is that?! It's almost like he can read my thoughts, because he then chuckles and pulls me to his side and puts his arms around my shoulders, leading me to the arena. I can't help but smile. And by smile, I mean the BIG kind of smile, the one where your cheeks start hurting and you feel like you're sweating from trying not to smile. I hear him chuckle again. Damn it. 


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