Chapter 6

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XLR8 was seen speeding down the streets of Union city and eventually exits it. Going out to the forest outside of Union. Once making it to a good spot in the forest he stops, putting down Eri and Cheryl. Letting out a small sigh he transforms back to his regular form.

(Y/N): Alright, this should be good

Cheryl nods to him. A couple minutes later the three were seen sitting around a small campfire. Eri was looking around in amazement never really knowing what the outside looked like. All the while Cheryl was looking at (Y/N) waiting for him to explain. A couple of minutes passed before (Y/N) sighs.

(Y/N): Alright, where do I start

Cheryl: How about from the beginning

He nods.

(Y/N): Well, like I said before I was born in Union city and lived most of my life there. And every single day when I was little, I use to idolize the heroes there and inspired to become a hero that everyone can look to for help just like them

(Y/N) paused for a moment with Cheryl looking at him waiting for him to continue.

(Y/N): But I guess dreams like that are meant to be shattered, cause when I was the age that you'd usually would awaken to a semblance, quirk or hell the activation of a sacred gear, I was powerless. But that didn't stop me I still wanted to become a hero no matter what

He clenched his fist as he said this.

(Y/N): I wanted to show everyone that I could be a hero no matter what. So, I worked hard and eventually got accepted into Union Academy and that's when shit went downhill

Cheryl: You're talking about the bullying right

(Y/N): Yeah, though it wasn't all that bad at first, I was doing great in my classes, I had some friends too, I even had a girlfriend

Cheryl looked down a bit at hearing that.

(Y/N): Then everyone turned on me when they found out I was powerless. I got beaten every day, given detentions when I didn't even do anything wrong. Heh...

(Y/N) looked like he was about to burst into tears.

(Y/N): And then my I find my girlfriend cheating on me, with that stupid little perverted dragon.

(Y/N) grips the log he was sitting on.

(Y/N): Everything turned to hell for me. Getting beaten every day and detentions for things I didn't do. Until I eventually was expelled, and you know what I was happy to finally be out of that shit hole

He chuckles to himself. As he did, he felt two pairs of arms wrap around him. Looking down he sees Cheryl and Eri hugging him, with Eri even crying a bit.

Cheryl: I'm so sorry to hear that

Eri: Why do people have to be so mean?

(Y/N) looked at them for a second, before he smiled.

(Y/N): It's fine, its all in the past for me now. Anyway, walking through the town after all that I came upon the old statue of someone who was a true hero, Ben Tennyson The Hero Of Heroes. After that I met the person who would change my life forever

Azmuth: And that would be me

They all turn and see Azmuth standing on a log near them.

(Y/N): Azmuth, it's been a while

Azmuth: Yes, it has been. I've seen you've been making quite a name for self too Tennyson

Cheryl: Tennyson, you have the same last name as him too

The Descendant Of The Hero Of Heroes(Crossover X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now