Chapter 17

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(A/N): Just to let you all know these upcoming chapters will be short

(Y/N)'s large Milita entered the city and was immediately met with a large group of heroes. (Y/N) as Power Plant glared at them seeing that most of them as one of them stepped up seemingly being the leader of this first wave.

Hero: (Y/N) Tennyson!!! As of an order of Union, we command you and your group to stand down now!

Power Plant scoffed at this.

Power Plant: Even after all your crimes have been revealed and you basically have everyone against you now, you still decide to act high and mighty!

Power Plant then raised one of his hands, with his group getting ready to fight. He had a stare down with the hero. He then pointed his arm forward.

Power Plant: CHARGE!!!

With that both groups charged at each other. Gwen began to blitz some in her Kineceleran form, then rapidly punching one multiple times, before punching them away. Bentely in her Methanosian form ran up and delivered a hard punch to one hero's jaw, before then firing a wave of fire towards another group of heroes burning and knocking them. One hero tried to sneak up and attack her from behind but was stopped by Vilgax grabbing them by the head then chucking them into a building destroying the wall. Bentely turned and gave him a thumbs up that he nodded to. Some of the citizens that were also rebelling were seen fighting against some of the lower tiered heroes. Danny and El Tigre were fighting back-to-back, blasting ecto-beams and slashing with their claws respectively. Maxxor slammed his fist into the ground causing a small shockwave that pushed all the heroes that were around him away. Ran fired off multiple magic projectiles on all sides either hitting some or clipping others that weren't paying attention. Serian and Ringo were firing off their weapons, and when one tried to get close Ringo jumped up and kicked them in the face before blasting them away with her weapon. Serian hit another hero who was approaching them with the butt of her weapon before giving them a close-range burst from it. Vilgax's drones fired down upon the heroes along with Atlas's mechs providing cover fire for the group. Power Plant was seen swatting away heroes who tried to attack him up close, while also firing off his sharp tips like projectiles at any who tried to attack him from afar. He jumps up and takes flight for a second hovering over a group and slammed down into the ground knocking them all away. He then slammed his fist into the ground sending a ripple of cracks toward another group. Once it made contact with them a large number of rocks jutted up from the ground injuring them and sending them flying. After he done that, he looked up and lets out a small sigh, before he quickly looked up and dodged out of the way of a giant foot. After rolling away he looks up and sees Mt. Lady glaring down at him.

Mt. Lady: Sorry to say this boy but this is sadly where your "crusade" ends

Power Plant scoffs at this as he gets up, Bentely and Gwen get to his sides too glaring up at the large hero.

Power Plant: Everyone continue to focus on the lower tier heroes, we'll take care of her

They look to each other and nodded. Gwen rushed forward and circled around Mt. Lady's feet with her trying to stomp on her, only for her to be met with a blast of fire from Bentely and Power Plant's fingertip projectiles. She turned and tried to slam her hand down on them with them quickly dodging out of the way. Gwen ran up the wall of a building and jumped off delivering a kick to Mt. Lady's face. Before she could do anything about her, she was blasted with another wave of fire from Bentely. Now very annoyed Mt. Lady lifted her foot and slammed it down on Bentely seemingly crushing her. Unfortunately for the large hero she felt her foot being forcefully pushed back up. She tried adding more pressure but found it to do nothing as she was soon thrown away from where she had stomped down on into a nearby building destroying it. Looking to where she was thrown from, she sees a large female dinosaur like creature. This was Bentely in her version of a Vaxasaurian.

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