Chapter 15

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(Y/N) and Cheryl were seen walking down on the city streets holding hands as they walked. When Cheryl had confessed her feelings to (Y/N) that got out of the bag very quickly many of the team had different reactions. His team was happy for the two and wished them luck. Beepu, Chen, and Senko all were happy as well. Eri right out of the gate asked if she could call Cheryl Mama, which Cheryl agreed to. Ran, Serian and Ringo were jealous but conceded and Amber was incredibly jealous. Now the two were down in the city enjoying a date.

Cheryl: I'm glad we have time to go out like this

(Y/N): Yeah, that disk that I had copied all that information of Union's crimes had some encrypted stuff. So, we just have to wait until 21 can unencrypt it all. So, let's just enjoy ourselves alright

Cheryl giggled a bit and snuggled into him a bit. Unknown to the two someone was watching them gripping their fist in anger. The two continued down the street until they eventually come upon a small restaurant it looked quite new as well. The name plate above the front door saying Little Innsmouth

Cheryl: This place must be new, you wanna check it out?

(Y/N): Sure, I am feeling a bit hungry

The two smiled at each other again and entered the small restaurant. The sound of a small bell chimed once they walked in gaining the attention of the chef in the back. He walked out from the back letting the two see him, not really surprised by his looks considering what they've seen.

 He walked out from the back letting the two see him, not really surprised by his looks considering what they've seen

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  Chef: Welcome you two. Welcome to my restaurant, the name's Yu-Wan and I'll be your chef

(Y/N): Nice to meet you Yu-Wan

Cheryl: Hi

Yu-Wan: And from what I can see of you two. You youngsters are on a date aren't you

The two blushed a bit while giving a sheepish chuckle, to which Yu-Wan laughed himself.

Yu-Wan: I knew it, have a seat you two. And my waitress will see to you two soon

They nod and do so as Yu-Wan moved back to the kitchen. They pick up a menu and began looking through it.

(Y/N): What are you feeling like?

Cheryl: Hmm, how about some sushi 

(Y/N): Yeah, that'd be nice

???: H-Hello

They look over and see a girl that seemed to look like a fish.

They look over and see a girl that seemed to look like a fish

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