Chapter 11

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It was a few days after Albedo's attack, and the parts that were destroyed were seen currently being rebuilt. After that event the almost all the citizens of Union have mostly lost fate in Union academy and the heroes and began looking towards (Y/N) and his team as true heroes. Speaking of (Y/N), we see him and Chen walking through the part of the city that was intact. (Y/N) kept his hood up to avoid drawing attention to himself. Chen excitedly looked at the many stores with stars in her eyes.

Chen: Bro look, there's a pet shop and a sports shop. There's so much can we go to them all?!

(Y/N) chuckled at this and pat her on the head.

(Y/N): Yeah Chen, well go to all the shops you want today. Considering that Cheryl decided to take Eri, Senko and Beepu out today so it's just you and me today

Chen grinned widely and grabbed his hand beginning to drag him to a shop that was nearby, (Y/N) chuckling all the way. For most of the day (Y/N) and Chen went through any shops that interested Chen. Going to cloths shop, a nearby arcade and even craft shops. The two continued to do so until Chen started to get hungry.

Chen: Big bro I'm hungry 

(Y/N): Alright, lets look for a place to eat

The two looked for a good place to eat though found that they were basically all packed. The two continued to search for a place but found nothing. (Y/N) scratched the back of his head surprised at seeing this.

(Y/N): Didn't think that all these places would be packed. Well, I guess it is the lunch rush

Chen: Ugh, why do they all have to be full?!

(Y/N): Don't worry Chen we'll find a place I promise

He continues to scan around for a place to eat until he lands on a shop that was open and basically empty. (Y/N) looked at it for a second trying to see if anything was wrong with it and finds that it was perfectly fine. He takes Chen's hand and motions towards the shop. Chen looks at it for a second before nodding. They walk over and head inside and were greeted to the sound of two girls moping. One was a girl with blue hair and white rabbit ears, she wore a blue dress with some moon and star patterns on the trim. The other was a girl with short blonde hair who also had white rabbit ears. She wore an orange shirt and yellow and white stripped shorts.

Blue Hair Rabbit Girl: Why aren't we getting any business today

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Blue Hair Rabbit Girl: Why aren't we getting any business today...

Blonde Hair Rabbit Girl: You know how some people are around here. They don't want "animals" making their food

(Y/N) cleared his throat gaining their attention. As soon as they see (Y/N) and Chen they immediately got into more proper positions greeting the two

Both Rabbit Girls: Hello and welcome to our shop

(Y/N): Hey it's nice to meet you two

Blue Hair Rabbit Girl: It's nice to meet you too. I'm Serian-

The Blonde Hair Rabbit Girl then pushed her out of the way with her struggling against her hand trying to get back into frame.

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