Chapter 12

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It has been a couple of days since Ironwood had asked them to save a woman named Amber from Union. Right now (Y/N) looking over the school from a long distance, glaring down at it all the while at the school. Next to him was Danny and Ashoka, with them looking at it glaring also.

Danny: So, we gotta save a woman named Amber, who Ozprick put into suspended animation because she was heavily injured, and he wanted to keep her around just so he could transfer her power to someone he can control

(Y/N): Yeah, bastard. Who knows how long he's kept her like that

Ashoka: So, how are we going to approach this

(Y/N): We can just bust in

Danny: But then they'd probably say that we attacked them unprovoked

(Y/N) sighed at this already knowing Danny was right.

(Y/N): Any other ideas then

Ashoka: We could try seeking in, though we'd need to find some type of entrance without being spotted

(Y/N): Yeah, and something tells me that even though Union is shit they keep pretty high security on those types of entrances

The three continued to think of what they could do until they hear a noise behind them. They turn around quickly ready to fight.

???: No no no, there's no need to fight. I am not your enemy

Soon a hunched back person came into view. He had shaggy brown hair and wore a red tunic, along with black pants and brown shoes. He had a shovel with him, along with a wooden barrel strapped to his back 

 He had a shovel with him, along with a wooden barrel strapped to his back 

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(Character comes from an app game called Tales Of Grimm)

Hunchback: I am your friend, not your foe

(Y/N): And how exactly can we trust you?

The Hunchback laughed at this a little hearing this.

Hunchback: Well, actions speak louder than words. I know a secret way into Union, that not even they know about

Danny: A way that not even Union knows about and you do that's kind of hard to believe

They look at him suspicious, at which the hunchback simply chuckled before motioning for them to follow then hurrying back from where he came. The group looked at each other before (Y/N) shrugs not knowing anything else they could do and followed the hunchback along with the Danny and Ashoka. They continue following the Hunchback until they made it to an entrance of a cave. The Hunchback turned to them.

Hunchback: This cave leads to underneath Union, and they have no idea about them heh heh

(Y/N) looked back to both Danny and Ashoka who just shrugged in response. (Y/N) just sighed before looking back to the Hunchback.

(Y/N): Alright, we'll trust you but this better not be a trap

Hunchback: Of course not, heh heh

With that they all walked through the cave. It was alright for a little bit until it started getting too dark to see. In response (Y/N) transformed into Heatblast emitting light for them. The Hunchback claps a bit seeing this.

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