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"Alright, you guys have a good rest of your day. Can't wait to see those results," Jreama said with a smile, as everyone rose up and began to exit class.

With another successful day under her belt, Jreama was more than ready to get home, order out and enjoy some Martin.

She definitely needed a good laugh.

Once bidding a few colleagues good bye and exiting the building, Jreama made her way to her vehicle.

Finally paying her phone some attention, she took in the few missed calls and texts before sighing.

She knew she had no choice but to check the voicemail...considering the game she liked to play.

Bracing herself for whatever, Jreama pressed play as she started her car.

"Sup J? I've called you. Text you. We really need to discuss things moving forward. With this. With us. With everything. Hit me back, cause you know I don't mind taking that drive. Hit me back J"

Shaking her head and placing her phone on the passenger side, Jreama began to pull out of the lot and down the street.

With Some Jay-Z blasting, Jreama allowed all her worries to fly right out of the window...until she felt her car breaking a bit too slow.

"The hell?" She muttered, while slowly turning a corner.

She then smelled light burning next before her car begin to vibrate at a red light.

"Oh hell naw...fucking Julio."

The second the light turned green, Jreama pulled over, placing her hazard lights on, right as her engine light did.

"Check engine," Jreama whispered, squinting her eyes at the bright orange light before undoing her seatbelt and opening her door, exiting the vehicle.

Quickly straightening out her white blouse, she then made her way to the front of her car, smacking her lips at the beeps that sounded from passing cars.

Scared to even lift up the hood, Jreama instead went for her phone, immediately phoning the mechanic in which Lola suggested.

As the phone began to ring, Jreama kept her eyes peeled around her, suspiciously taking in the streets.

After no answer, she hung up before proceeding to call once more.

This time, getting a voicemail, Jreama rolled her eyes.

"Hey Julio, it's Jreama. You fixed my car a few days ago and now it's smoking and some other stuff. You told me everything was more than good. Can you call me back, please. Thank you."

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