come back

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"Bucky, do you want eggs with your breakfast?" I yell from the couch while the food cooks on the frying pan.

"Yeah doll! Scrambled!" He yells from the shower and I chuckle in response.

Bucky and I have been living in this hotel together for almost two weeks without a problem. Every now and then Natasha, Wanda, and Pepper call to check in with me.

Speaking of which, I set up my phone hotel counter before it started to buzz uncontrollably and the contact that pops up is 'Toaster's Wife'. I chuckle at the stupid name Natasha came up with for Wanda, while mine is always and will be 'Mother Nature'.

I slide the green button to the right and answer the facetime, only instead of seeing Wanda, I saw Tony.

"Hey Tony, why do you have Wanda's phon-"

"No time to explain, you and Barnes need to get back here, as soon as possible." He pants while working around his lab, like he was panicking almost.

"Okay we will. Is it a new threat?" I ask as Bucky comes up from behind me with his hair dripping on my shoulders and his wet towel against my waist.

"More than a threat, a warning. Its your ex boo Barnes."

Bucky's entire both shivers and clenches while I let out a shuddering breath. Of course Emily isn't dead, she slipped through our grasp and nobody went after her. I move my hands to the places I was shot that day: my shoulder, my stomach and my leg. Bucky continues to talk to Tony as I go into our bedroom to start to pack our things.

"Babydoll?" Bucky calls from the hallway, then he pushes open the door while letting out a sigh. "Babydoll, are you okay?"

Bucky moves his hands to grip my shoulder, his metal one leaving goosebumps, his right one making me warm and calming my shaking body.

"What-t should we do..?"

"I think we should go back, see what the problem is, end it and come back to our vacation...maybe we could go somewhere further this time, like Las Vegas."

I chuckle and lean my head back into Bucky's shoulder while he wraps his hands around my waist, pulling me into him.

"What do you think she wants?"

Bucky is silent for a minute, before speaking up, sending more shakes and shivers down my spine.



"So promise you won't screw this up Killian. Get in, wait, get Barnes and Y/l/n and get out."

"Yes yes yes I know Emily...We went over it over 50 times each day for the past few weeks."

"Okay then you shouldn't let your feelings for y/n get in the way. No distractions, no leaving evidence and no getting caught."

"Yes dear sister."

promise - b. barnesWhere stories live. Discover now