Vol. 4: Chapter 11.3 - Showdown

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Amidst the serenity of the atmosphere, I suddenly called out to the relaxed Ichinose.

"Eh-?!" Startled by my voice, she could only respond with a yelp.

"I just wanted to ask if Horikita had sent you anything yet. It's almost time for the last discussion."

"Ahh, mn..." Ichinose grabbed her phone and checked. "No, not yet."

"I see..." She must be busy presenting her explanations.

"Do you still believe she can figure out the pattern?" Ichinose tilted her head curiously.

"I would like to. She's our only winning chance, after all," I replied before turning to Ichinose. "That said, it would also result in the collapse of Class C's entire plan."

"Ahaha, that's true. But you see, if the ruin of our plan was the inevitable result, I'd rather have Horikita-san win than our other rivals." Ichinose became ready for that the moment Horikita said she'd figure out the pattern during the fifth group discussion.

Just as she finished those words, Ichinose's phone vibrated once again.

"Oh-! It's here! Horikita-san really sent me the names! " Ichinose excitedly showed me the message. "She really figured it out...!"

Surely, she felt conflicted. They'd have no chance to attack and gain points from Class A's VIPs anymore. However, because of our deal, they'd gain 100 class points by submitting two of Class D's VIPs.

"Ah, but we can't really submit any of them just yet. Horikita-san wants to negotiate for the remaining VIPs of Class B and C. She'll be here shortly."

Of course, they can't submit their answers recklessly. They never know what Ryuuen and Katsuragi might do once they find out.

"That's ideal. Protect yourselves before letting the enemies know you've attacked them."

"Mn," she nodded.

Despite her initial surprise, Ichinose immediately knew what to do. As soon as Horikita sent her the names, she contacted her friends who belonged in those groups. And because of that, her attention was fully drawn to her phone at the moment.

It was about seven minutes before the group discussion. The door to the Dragon Group's room opened wide and Horikita came along with Kikyou and Hirata in tow.

"Oh, Honami-chan and Kiyotaka-kun~! Hey there!" waved Kikyou.

"Kikyou-chan, hey! Hirata-kun and Horikita-san, too." Ichinose waved back with a bright grin.

"You're here." Horikita narrowed her eyes as she looked at me. "Ah, that's right. I've figured it out, Ayanokouji-kun-- the pattern, that is."

Yes, I knew you would.

"Horikita-san's amazing! She really did it!" Kikyou celebrated innocently.

Hirata smilingly nodded without a word.

"Good job, Horikita," I said. "Did you contact our classmates from their respective groups?"

"Yes, I did. They're currently analyzing my explanation as to why there's no risk in following my answers," she replied.

"As expected, you work very efficiently."

"I appreciate your words." Horikita nodded before turning to Ichinose. "Ichinose-san, please contact your classmates from these following groups. I've already informed the representatives from groups containing Class C's VIPs. They're willing to cooperate once we give the signal."

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