Vol. 1: Chapter 8.2 - Past

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All of us finished the test way before the time was up. Seeing this, Chabashira-sensei collected our papers roughly five minutes before the bell rang.

"Your fourth period is free. Use your time wisely, and don't make too much noise. In conjunction with this test, please be ready for your midterms at the end of May. Goodbye." 

With her usual detached expression, Chabashira-sensei walked out of the room.

Almost immediately, Hirata, Kushida, Horikita, and I stood up in succession. For the class, this much was normal. We've already been recognized as the four pillars of Class D. They paid attention to the four of us as we headed to the front.

"Everyone, I'm sure all of you are feeling uneasy about the test just now. But I'm sure we'll be fine." Hirata began the discussion.

"That's right! A lot of the questions were really easy, and even if the last parts were super hard, they can't really expect us to answer them correctly," added Kushida.

I can clearly see the anxiety of our classmates slowly whittling down. I glanced at Horikita, prompting her to speak next.

"The test was composed of easy questions ranging from the first to third-year junior high level. If you remembered the lessons from back then, you can answer those questions with ease," Horikita explained. "There was one question about our initial lessons this semester per subject. Most of them were basics, so I believe they are doable."

Yukimura raised his hand.

"Yes, Yukimura-kun?" Horikita calls out to him.

"I agree with what you've said thus far, but not everyone is academically gifted. If those who struggle lag behind, it might bring trouble for the class." Yukimura stated as he fixes his glasses.

Some of our classmates' expressions tightened with worry and guilt. From Yukimura's expression, I can see that he's more worried about the class as a whole rather than the ones who are bad at studying in particular, which was understandable.

"You're absolutely right, Yukimura-kun. We were thinking about this matter for a while now. This test just caught us off-guard," Horikita replied, before looking at me.

"We are aware that some students in Class D struggle with academics. That's why we have a proposal. The results in this test are inevitable so all we can do is brace ourselves. But setting it aside, we can at least prepare better for our midterm exams," I explained.

This was a great opportunity. Using this test as an example, we can drive our classmates to agree with us much easier.

"Everyone, we would like to form study groups. Is that alright with you all?" asked Hirata.

Almost instantly, Karuizawa answered his plea.

"I'm in! I struggled, like, super hard on the later parts of that test, and I don't really understand the lessons too well. I think a study group can help me a lot." Karuizawa chimed in before facing her friends. "You found it hard too, right? I think we can improve our scores with this."

"True! The teachers are great, but like, I just can't seem to understand a hundred percent of what they're talking about," followed Shinohara.

At that point, everyone echoed their opinions amongst each other. We didn't try to shut them up so they can make up their minds. When she thought the time was right, Kushida went in for the decisive question.

"So, everyone? Are you all in?" she asked, with a smile.

"I'm in!"

"Please take care of us!"

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