💜Where am I?...💜

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⨂A day later⨂.

David woke up with a start. The cold forest floor had chilled his body, making him numb. Memories of the night before came back. He again felt the panic, the terror of feeling the plane stall and drop from the sky.

The lightning strike had roasted the controls. Nothing worked. With the plane gliding down in a slow decline, he grabbed the emergency kit and got out of the cabin to warn Sophie. When he saw her, she had the same panic and terror in her eyes that he had. He groped under her seat for her emergency kit and pulled it out.

 He handed her the orange lifejacket and wore his own. He put on his parachute pack and turned to her. She had not moved. David told her to wear the lifejacket one more time and then repeated it again when she did not respond.

He grabbed her arms and forced them through the opening in the lifejacket. He did the same with the parachute pack and pulled her towards the door. He again noticed the blue fingernails. She kept fighting against him and pulling him back. He pulled harder. He opened the door which let in a blast of cold, wet wind. He felt the plane vibrate.

 He pulled her closer to the door and told her what he was going to do. He did not know if she heard him over the sound of the wind, but she started screaming which David interpreted as the reaction to his instructions. Without warning, he pushed her out and after a few seconds, he jumped out himself.

He saw her tumbling through the air for a few moments after which the parachute self-deployed and shielded her from his eyes as a white canopy opened up. His own parachute deployed and took him in a different direction.

 By the time he turned back towards her, he could not see a thing. All he saw were the clouds and the occasional lightning bolt splitting them. Luckily, he landed on the ground in a small clearing in the forest. He landed on his feet and instantly collapsed on his back. He was so exhausted that he fell into a tired sleep right there.

⨂After 6 hours⨂...

Now he was up and did not know where to start. He found some rainwater caught in the cavity formed by a large leaf which he drank.

 He tried to remember all the survival tactics that he was taught in flight school. He figured he was in the Central African rainforest and civilisation was a long way off in all directions.

 He took out the compass in his emergency kit and headed west..

Word count- 453(including this).

Sorry if this is kinda short. I will try to make the next one longer... 

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