💜They seem nice...💜

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⨂Four days before⨂.

David woke up to find four pygmy men inspecting him. He stood up quickly, but immediately sat down again as two of them raised a bow with a metal-head arrow pointed at him.

He looked at men for a he saw a old man who seemed to be about 80-90years old then he saw another man who looked similar to old man. I think that the old man was the leader and the other was his son. Soon the one standing near the old man started to inspecting him as if nothing had happened. He raised his arm and checked it and did the same with his leg.

They kept shaking their heads. After about five minutes of poking and prodding, they walked off discussing animatedly and the two armed men also started to moved away, but they kept the arrows pointed at him till they were out of sight.

David looked around and saw that he was placed in the centre of a shaded clearing on the ground. He was surrounded by a thick wall of thorn bushes which looked very formidable. The other side of the wall was probably safe to touch because the men went out from an opening in the wall and pushed it in to close the opening but he was still confused what they were gonna do with him.

After a while, a man and a woman stepped into the clearing, David backed up a little bit. The man had the usual bow and arrow while the woman carried a wooden bowl and a stone slab. The stone slab had strips of meat on it, the meat strips looked it had recently been roasted on a fire and seasoned with something that smelled like ginger. 

The bowl contained a clear liquid with large chunks of meat in it. As soon as David saw the food, his mouth started watering and realised how hungry he was.

He waited for the woman to place the food on the ground before him. As soon as they stepped out of the clearing, he grabbed the food. The meat strips were quite chewy, but full of flavour. The soup was also tasty though he would have preferred a little more meat in it.

After devouring the simple meal, he lay down on the ground. He had to figure out a way to escape from these people. Sure, they had fed him and not harmed him yet, but he did not know how long this would continue...

Guys...my ideas are running out of my mind! I don't know what I should write anymore...

Word count-438(including this).

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