Day 18: Hot Cocoa

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The team was having a bad time. Callen was having trouble with Anna over something silly. Sam was questioning his realtionship with Katherine. Kensi and Deeks were having trouble trying to have a baby. Nell and Eric weren't sure about where to move forward with their relationship. Fatima wasn't sure what to do with her overbearing parents.

That day, everyone had gotten an invitation that said:

Meet me at Dovecote

Tonight, 6;30 pm.

Don't be late!


Everyone was wondering what Hetty wanted to talk to them about.

Later at 6:30

'Hello everyone! Please come in!' Hetty ushered them into the big room.

On the table, there was 7 cups of cocoa.

'Hot cocoa? Isn't it kind of hot for that?' Deeks asked.

'It's a cool night tonight, everyone please sit down.'

They sat down.

'I've been noticing a lot of unease from everyone here lately. And there is nothing better then a warm drink to help ease some of the tension in the room. I considered making tea, but I decided hot cocoa would work just as well. So, Mr. Callen, want to start off?' Hetty said.

'Anna and I had an argument over what furniture to get for our place. I'm not much of a furniture guy, and I don't really see the need for so much furniture.' Callen said.

'Good. Mr. Hanna?'

'I think my relationship with Katherine is going great. But I'm wondering if something is missing in it.' Sam said.

'Miss Blye and Mr. Deeks?'

'We want to have a baby, but Kensi is having trouble.' Deeks said.

'Mr. Beale and Miss Jones?'

'Nell and I appear to not know how to restart our relationship.' Eric said.

'Miss Namazi?'

'My parents are unbearable so much of the time! It's like they don't want me to be a cop!' Fatima said.

'hmm. All very good! Now, everyone. Try to give each other advice on how to deal with the other person's situation. And enjoy the cocoa!' Hetty responded.

Everyone went about talking, and laughing at each other over their ideas and enjoying the warm cocoa.

After a few hours, Callen decided to call Anna to apologize, Sam decided to keep trying with Katherine, Kensi and Deeks decided to keep trying for another month, and would consider adoption if they had to. Nell and Eric decided to go on a date. Fatima decided to have a serious talk with her parents.

Everyone thanked Hetty for inviting them, and for the cocoa.

'Cocoa works just as well as tea!' She thought proudly to herself.

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