The new enemy

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The pj masks just defeated orticia from planting in the museum.

Orticia: this isn't over pj maskies! *runs away*

Aquafish: sorry orticia!

Gekko: me too!

Catboy: we stopped orticia and you said your apologies.

Owlette: isn't there something to say?

Pharaoh boy: ugh! Fine! Thank you pj masks for stopping that plant. I'm outta here. *walks into the museum*

Catboy: pj masks, all shout hooray...


With orticia

Orticia: I hate those pj masks.

Aquafish: hey orticia.

Orticia: Aquafishy?

Aquafish: looks like you need someone to talk to.

Orticia: wow, that's really nicey of you.

Aquafish: yeah, I'm the kindest of the team.

Orticia: well, I guess we have some time.

Meanwhile in the city of zomburbia

Meanwhile in the city of zomburbia

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???: Interesting.

???: brains brains? (What do you mean sir?)

???: it's clearly obvious frogpants, we'll take them all for ourselves!

Frogpants: brains? (All of them?)

???: yes, except two of them, see those two? *points at the screen showing Aquafish and orticia*

Frogpants: brains. (Yes.)

???: the yellow one is too friendly, and the green one is an abomination! We'll leave them.

Frogpants: brains. (okay sir.) *walks away*

???: I will turn them all into a zombie army! For I am...

Dr. Zomboss: DOCTOR EDGER GEORGE ZOMBOSS!!!!! *laughs evilly*

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