The captives

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Five hours later, Aquafish and orticia woke up in a empty room.

Aquafish: were are we?

Orticia: what is this place?

Aquafish: what was the last we remember?

The two retraced there steps and remembered what happened.

Orticia: it was that plant hating meanie!

Aquafish: he infected my friends!

???: and captured you?

The two looked at a shadowy figure when it came closer it revealed it's Dr. Zomboss.


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Dr. Zomboss: surprised to see me?

Both: YOU!!!!!💢

Dr. Zomboss: yes, me.

Orticia: what do you want from us?!💢

Dr. Zomboss: nothing.

Aquafish: nothing?! You made my friends attack me! Not just that! But your just a complete mess!💢

Dr. Zomboss: WHAT?!?!?!💢 *pulls out a knife*

Aquafish: *gasp*

Aquafish: *gasp*

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Dr. Zomboss: one more word! And I'll slit your throat and use it as a drink dispenser! And cut your brains right out of your head and eat it right in front of your useless body!💢

Aquafish didn't say anything but had tears in her eyes.

Dr. Zomboss: any other insults?

The two shook there heads no knowing the consequence.

Dr. Zomboss: good, let's go.

Dr. Zomboss started pulling the cage to another room where Aquafish saw the animals

 Zomboss started pulling the cage to another room where Aquafish saw the animals

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Aquafish: oh no.

Dr. Zomboss: alright we're here.

Orticia: another empty room?

Dr. Zomboss: *sigh* I'm just going to get rid of you two right now.

Aquafish: how are you gonna do that? Sink your teeth into us? Scratch us like cats?

Dr. Zomboss: very funny, with this!

 Zomboss: very funny, with this!

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Aquafish: spoke to soon.

Dr. Zomboss: since your a disappointment to the hero, and a joker you're going to go first.

Aquafish: NOOO!!!!!!!

Aquafish was placed in the guillotine.

Dr. Zomboss: three.

Orticia: I can't look!

Dr. Zomboss: two.

Aquafish: I'm sorry guys, I've failed you.

Dr. Zomboss: one!

Dr. Zomboss let's go of the rope but then a human girl stops the blade.

Dr. Zomboss: YOU?!?!?!💢

???: you've gone to far Zomboss! *let's Aquafish and orticia free* Go! Run!

Aquafish and orticia run out of the room to the exit.

Dr. Zomboss: TROOPS!!!!! GET THEM!!!!!💢

The fish, the plant and the DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now