Battle for tarabiscoville part 2

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Aquafish: alright guys, let's fight these guys.

Orticia: got it.

Patrice: let's do this.

Nate: this is gonna be weird.

Octobella: I'm gonna enjoy this.

Aquafish: FIGHT!!!!!

Everyone was fighting like madness.

Orticia used her powers to trap zombie armadylan but breaks free and grabs her by the neck.

Zombie armadylan: brains brains, brains. (The boss doesn't want you here, so die.)

Orticia: *struggling* p...please, don't do this.

Aquafish: orticia! LET HER GO!!!!! *punches zombie armadylan in the face*

Zombie armadylan: brains! (You little!) *let's go of orticia*

Orticia: *whistles*

Zombie armadylan turns around seeing orticia with a vitamin z.

Orticia: you can't kill me on an empty stomach, have a brain.

Zombie armadylan: *snatches the vitamin z from orticia and eats it*

Orticia: tricked you!

Zombie armadylan screams and turns back to normal.

Armadylan: that was crazy.

Patrice: not as crazy as my uncle. *fights zombie night ninja*

Armadylan: what's going on?

Orticia: long story.

Patrice was fighting zombie night ninja and his zombie ninjalinos.

Patrice: there's too many!

Zombie night ninja: *laughs*

Nate: hey! *kicks zombie night ninja into his zombie ninjalinos*

Nate: you okay Patrice?

Patrice: yeah, I'm fine.

Zombie night ninja: *fires sticky splat at them both*

Patrice: we're stuck!

Aquafish: hey Night ninja! Want a snack? *throws a vitamin z at him*

Zombie night ninja: *eats the vitamin z*

Aquafish: and don't worry guys, there's plenty! *gives the zombie ninjalinos vitamin z's*

Zombie night ninja and the zombie ninjalinos scream and turn back to normal.

Night ninja: what the splat?

Octobella: guys? A little help here?

Percival: *blabbers* (get off her!) *pinches zombie anyu*

Zombie anyu: *screeches in pain*

Night ninja: anyu is a zombie?!

Aquafish: anyu catch! *throws a vitamin z at zombie anyu*

Zombie anyu eats the vitamin z and turns back to normal.

Anyu: friends, what happened?

Aquafish: long story.

Orticia: you strong. *shoots vines at pirate robot*

Pirate robot: for captain Zomboss!

Patrice: *pins pirate robot to the ground* this looks important. *take out a mind control chip*

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