Pj zombies

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The next morning Conner, amaya, Greg, angie returning home from school with angie still scared of what she saw yesterday.

Conner: hey guys, how about we go for a milkshake?

Amaya: sure.

Greg: good idea.

Angie: okay, a milkshake will get the stress out of me.

When the four got to the milkshake shop, there was a note.

When the four got to the milkshake shop, there was a note

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Amaya: looks like some people want to see us.

Angie: and the don't want me there?

Greg: sorry cousin, you'll come with us next time.

Conner: pj masks, we're on our way!

Conner, Amaya and Greg: INTO THE NIGHT TO SAVE THE DAY!

At night they transformed and we're leaving there houses

Angie: good luck guys! *looks at the note* how come they didn't want me? *sees something hidden in the note* hold on. *whips the note revelling two words* *gasp*

 *whips the note revelling two words* *gasp*

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Angie: ZOMBIES!?!?!?!

...Meanwhile at the park

Catboy: hello?

Owlette: anyone here?

Gekko: this better not be trick by octobella.

???: brains.

All: huh?

Gekko: what was that?

Frogpants: brains. (Hello.)

Owlette: AH! What is that thing?!

Catboy: what ever it is, it's going down! SUPER CAT SPEED! *runs around frogpants*

Frogpants: brains! (He's too fast!)

Nigel: BRAINS! (BOO!)

Gekko: AHH! There's another one!

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