The tombstones

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The next day after the pj masks mysteriously vanished, angie was walking through the streets to clear her mind.

Angie: don't think about this to serious angie, they'll come back.

Meanwhile on the another part of the city, Dr. Zomboss was walking through the streets wearing a mask.

 Zomboss was walking through the streets wearing a mask

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Dr. Zomboss: this place is horrid, luckily phase three is happening right now.

Dr. Zomboss was walking through the streets and spotted the school.

Dr. Zomboss: and I know where to put the first one.

Two hours later, angie and the other kids left school and were heading home when something caught angie's eye.

Angie: what is this?

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Angie: what is this?

It didn't move, it didn't do anything.

Angie: huh, I guess it's just there for something. *leaves*

When angie left, the skull's eyes flashed red.

At nighttime, orticia made a new garden.

Orticia: this is great, no pj masks means happy garden.

Orticia was walking through her garden when all of a sudden, another tower was there.

Orticia was walking through her garden when all of a sudden, another tower was there

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Orticia: when did this get here? Oh well, it's not doing anything to my garden.

Suddenly a purple beam ripped through the garden roof colliding with four more beams and the sky turned purple.

Suddenly a purple beam ripped through the garden roof colliding with four more beams and the sky turned purple

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Orticia: what's happening?!

Then zombies started rising from the ground surrounding the plant.

Orticia: take the garden! I'm leaving! *runs away*

At the neighbourhood.

Lightning struck and angie woke up and looked out her window and gasps.

Lightning struck and angie woke up and looked out her window and gasps

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Angie: zombies everywhere!

Angie transforms and jumps out of her window and runs to hq with three zombies chasing her.

Zombie 1: brains! (Get back here!)

Zombie 2: brains! (Join your friends!)

Aquafish: why is this happening!

At the hq angie bumps into orticia.

Aquafish: orticia?

Orticia: Aquafishy?

Aquafish: come on! In hq!

Before the make it to the door, a zombie stops them.

Aquafish: g... gekko?!

Zombie gekko: brains. (Hello cousin.)

Then two more zombies appeared behind them.

Orticia: owlette?!

Aquafish: catboy?!

???: I see you found my new troops.

Aquafish: you can talk?! Who are you?!

Dr. Zomboss: *removes his mask* I am Doctor Edger George Zomboss, the smartest genius in the world, and I'm the leader of all zombies.

Orticia: why are you doing this?!

Dr. Zomboss: *sighs* the weed had to say it?

Orticia: WEED?!?!?!

Dr. Zomboss: i took all of your friends and enemies and infected them to make them zombies and obey me.

Aquafish: why didn't you catch us?

Dr. Zomboss: because you to are the weakest ones in this disgusting place.

Both: EXCUSE US?!?!?!



Dr. Zomboss: exactly, you have the weakest powers, and I hate plants!

Orticia: HATE PLANTS!?!?!?!

Before Aquafish and orticia attack, the pj zombies stab them with tranquillisers.

Both: *falls asleep*

Dr. Zomboss: good night, rejects.

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