Phase two

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After frogpants and Nigel blimpbottom scared angie and orticia, they were to afraid to help, the doc's plan was working.

Dr. Zomboss: great! Time for phase two. *walks in front of all his minions*

 *walks in front of all his minions*

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Dr. Zomboss: everyone, I have informed you all about a town named tarabiscoville and it's many heroes and villains, also there powers and skills, capture them! And bring them to me!

All the zombies: brains brains! (Sir yes sir!) *leaves*

Dr. Zomboss: my plan is going perfectly mr stubbins!

Mr stubbins: eek! (I know sir!)

Dr. Zomboss: precisely my little hedgehog, tarabiscoville will be mine! tarabiscoville

Tugboat: brains brains? (Who should we go for first?)

Frogpants: brains (we'll leave the pj's till last.)

Nigel: brains. (Let's go after the villains first.)

...with pirate robot

Pirate robot: look at all this booty I got tonight!

???: yarr!

Pirate robot: huh?!

Deadbeard: yarr! Brains! (I'd be captain deadbeard! And your no pirate!)

Pirate robot: yes I am ye scurvy dog! *pulls out his sword*

Deadbeard: brains! (It be on!) *pulls out his gun*

1 minute later

Deadbeard shoots pirate robot in the head with a coin knocking him out

Deadbeard: yarr! (Bullseye!)

...with pharaoh boy

Pharaoh boy was shining his treasures when all of a sudden, a moan came from the other side of the room.

Pharaoh boy: who's there? *turns around* *gasp* my vase! Put that back now barbarian!

Tugboat: tugboat. (No.) *drops the vase braking it* tugboat. (Whoops.)

Pharaoh boy: YOU ARE GOING TO PAY!!! By the snakes of apophis, bind this...

Before pharaoh boy can finish his spell, Nigel stabbed him with a tranquilliser from behind.

Pharaoh boy: *falls asleep*

Tugboat: tugboat. (Thanks Nigel.)

Nigel: brains (thanks tugboat.) *drags pharaoh boy's body out of the museum*

...with motsuki

Motsuki was flying on her own enjoying the peace and quiet.

Motsuki: banish luna from moon was good idea.

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