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We arrived at this place called Woodman's, I decided to sit next to Eric which by coincidence

Marcus: Hey Lenny, remember we used to come in here in high school late night after we got wasted

Donna: What's wasted?

Lenny: Nice one Higgy, Wasted, kids is something...that's happens when you have a hankering for ice cream

Andre: Ooh! I want to get wasted

I couldn't believe Andre didn't know what wasted meant

Charlotte: I want to get totally wasted

Donna: I want to get wasted every single day of my life

Becky: I want to get chocolate wasted

Roxanne: No, you don't need to get wasted, it's okay

Eric: All right everybody, you know what? Let me make this easy 18 burgers and18 fries, okay? And uh, that will be just for me, what are you guys having?

Lenny: Lamonsoff!

Eric: Do me a favour, that's for everybody and just put it on there

Lenny: Oh, you don't have to do that

Mama: I am not going to have any hamburgers, I'll take some meatloaf, some calzones, put the marinara sauce on the side with corn. Either on the cob or whatever you got?

Marcus: What are you going to the electric chair?

Mama: What?

Lenny: No, he was just kidding Henry VIII

Kurt: She's eating for two, Her and "Toebo" cop

Lenny: But Momma, they do have bunyan rings if you want some

Deanne: That was good Lenny

Waitress: How about some drinks?

Eric: Hey, I said I'm paying so...take it easy with that, okay? I'm kidding everybody, we can drink all we want, I'll start it off, I'm going to have a coke, Y/N will have a Fanta and I know Donna, she's going to want a Sprite And uh...Bean's good with milk obviously

Bean: I want cookies

I turned towards Eric to talk to him

Y/N: You need to get Bean to stop, it's getting embarrassing

Eric: I'll figure something out

Marcus: Ooh, cookies and miLF

Mom: miLF, oh Higgins thank you so much

Eric: Take it easy all right, Tuck it away hon

Greg: And I'll take a flat water...Voss-

Waitress: What?

Greg: You know...Voss. Well Fiji if you don't have Voss

Lenny: You know, anything you got is good

Waitress: Yeah, we have out of the faucet

Greg: like from the hose?

Y/N: Tap water, idiot

Keithie: What country is that from?

Oh my god, just get the water, we're done talking about water, Tap water

Rita: I will get the Voss from the ba...

Lenny: Just sit-down Rita, study the menu, the big test is coming

After a bit of talking, we finally ordered, Bean turned towards Roxanne and said

Bean: Mommy, can I have some of her milk

All of a sudden, we heard

Dickie: Rematch! I dare you

The rest of the kids went and played some arcade games whilst the older kids stayed at the table

Eric: It's going to be an emotional day tomorrow boys Spreading the Buzzer's ashes

Lenny: Oh my god

Rob: Well, the coach requested that we scatter his remains on McIntyre Island, I've got a beautiful ceremony planned

Mom: Lenny are you still going to be able to do that tomorrow? What time do you leave?

Eric: What are you talking about?

Rob: What do you mean leave?

Lenny: I forgot to tell you fellahs, we've got to to take off in the morning

Marcus: You're leaving the lake house?

Eric: What are you talking about? You can't leave, we got the ceremony tomorrow

Deanne: Oh, Lenny's just playing everybody

Marcus: Are you joking?

Mom: He's not

Marcus: Are you joking?

Weirdly, part of me wants them to leave and the other part of me wants them to stay

Lenny: I want to be there. I mean...we all want to be there, it's just, we've got to go to Milan

Marcus: Milan what? Italy, What's in Milan?

Lenny: It's pretty cool, Roxanne's got her fall line coming out

Roxanne: Fashion week

Y/N: I love fashion week; I so wish I could go

Greg: Three nights at the Four Season's baby, eggs benedict by the pool, PlayStation 3 in every room and they show boobies on Italian TV

Y/N: You're disgusting

Eric: I'm going to Italy

Mom gave Eric a look which I know that he is terrified of

Eric: No, we all... I didn't tell you guys, we're probably gonna go to Italy as a... Thanks for ruining the surprise.

Rob: Lenny, it's not gonna be the same without you.

Marcus: Yeah, come on.

Lenny: Roxanne was cool enough to let us come tonight. This is a big deal for her

Rob: Can't Roxanne go without you, and you can meet her there?

Lenny: No, we are a team, me, and my lady, and we do everything together. Last year, we had to skip Becky's school play for Milan.

Roxanne got up and dropped her napkin on the table in a mad way before walking away

Lenny: Roxanne.

Bean: I thought we were gonna get wasted.

Grown ups (Y/N Y/L/N x Greg Feder)Where stories live. Discover now